dimanche 22 avril 2012

Mortein World Malaria Day: April 25th 2012

Malaria is the number one cause of death in Nigeria, ahead of HIV/AIDS, stroke, coronary heart disease and diabetes. Children under five and pregnant women are the most susceptible to death from Malaria, accounting for 85% of all malaria deaths.

Worldwide 35 countries account for 98% of all the malaria deaths in the world. 30 are in Africa. Nigeria is the #1. Of the 54 countries in Africa, 50 are malaria prone countries, only 2 are completely free.
In Nigeria, Malaria costs the economy 135.2billion naira.

A person gets Malaria from the bite of an infected female mosquito. Wednesday April 25th is World Malaria Day and Mortein, the multipurpose cockroach/insect killer and insecticide with the lowest hazard level is bringing the awareness to Nigeria and also wants to get a message out. Malaria is a serious problem in Nigeria, but with relatively simple practices like using a quality insecticide like Mortein, using bed nets and keeping the environment, the impact can be reduced.

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