jeudi 26 avril 2012

Dear LIB readers: A man's dilemma over two women

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Dear Linda ikeji,
I am a fan of our blog, and I often visit your blog.
 Please Linda, I need your readers’ advice on my indecisive situation over two girls currently in my life.
The story is this: I travelled to UK in 2003 to study Medicine and Surgery, at a top UK university. While I was in first year, I met this British born Nigerian girl; she is from a very wealthy family. The girl is full of intelligence; she graduated as the best medical student. 

After our graduation, she asked which area I would like to specialise. I told her, I just want to be a GP, and work in any small General Practice office in London. As for her, she wanted to be a Surgeon or Anaesthesiologist. We pursued our aspirations, and now she is indeed a Surgeon and I work as a GP in a local GP Medical centre.

Since two years ago, our relationship has been going town hill, my GF does not do normal things she use to do to look prettier; She has stopped doing her hair, she is always at the hospital, and she has put on weight a lot because she stopped exercising. I even spent £2,000 to install all sorts of gym equipments in a spare room at our house, yet she won’t exercise. 

Here is where the story got awkward; five months ago, I was at my office a Brazilian single mum came in with her daughter. Her beauty is incomparable. Her ass is something from outside this planet. I checked her daughter and found out she had influenza, after prescribing medications for her; I could not control myself, I asked the lady for her number. We started texting each other, she told me she is a divorcee, and she also has no job. Her sources of income are jobseekers allowance and child benefit. Yet, I found myself felling for her. She has learnt how to cook Nigerian Soup via youtube just to impress me.

I am confused. At the moment, I love the Brazilian girl, but she has no career. My girlfriend has a career but she doesn’t know how to cook, and she is not half pretty as the Brazilian girl. If I were to brake-up with my girlfriend, we will surely have a legal battle on who would have a lion share over our £550,000 house. But the property is not what bothers me at the moment. What bothers me is to make the right choice. Sex with the Brazilian girl is a dynamite..

Attached here is the back view picture of the Brazilian girl; she took this photo when she went to her country on a holiday. I sent the photo on a UK based blog requesting for an advice, people were busy downloading and uploading the photo on their facebook instead of giving me an advice. Based on our ages, i am 29years old; my gf is 27 years old. The Brazilian lady is 30 years old. What would you do if you were in by situation?

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