lundi 22 août 2011

Tony One Week doesn't know how to be a politician

The entertainer turned politician (elected in the April elections, and is Anambra House Minority Leader) wrote on his facebook page yesterday...
I dont know how to explain the fact that no matter how much I try to be a politician.., I just dont seem to be able to do it. In Politics.., everybody is pretending. There are numerous hypocrites and psychophants. They will be looking at a black thing and will be saying it is white. Pls pray for me oooo. I don't wanna change now. I strongly believe in truth as the only means to integrity. God help Nigeria.

@Tony, as I see it, you have only two major choices. 1. If you can't beat them, join them. 2. If it's too dirty for you, get out! The latter is a preferred choice tho...:-)

Your advice to Tony would be....?

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