mercredi 31 août 2011

Mother of 5-months old baby kidnapped in Lagos

I've not been able to verify this, but a lot of people have been sending the info to me via twitter, FB and comments on this blog, so decided to share here.

The lady in the photo is Yanju Kusamotu Thomas. She was allegedly kidnapped on Sunday August 28 in Lagos. Yanju and her husband went to get fuel on that unfortunate day, and kidnappers double-crossed them and took Yanju. The husband managed to escape. Yanju is a 25 year old newly-wed with a 5-months old baby at home. If you have any info please call this number - 08098665589. (I've tried to call this number to get more info, but it's unavailable)

If you know more about this story and the lady in question, please share here. Thanks

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