mercredi 31 août 2011

August Lesbian Party Postponed. #lobatan... Lol!

I read this story in Encomium magazine this morning and said to myself, you've got to share this Linda; just in case some members aren't aware, or some want to join *wink* *wink*.

Here's how Patrick Okon of Encomium mag wrote it...
The bi-monthly Lesbians Party, usually held in Uyo, the capital of Akwa-Ibom state, has been postponed. Usually it holds on the last Saturday of the month. The cancelled party was to hold on Saturday August 27, but one of the front-liners, a lawyer, is attending a legal workshop in Dominican Republic. A new date is yet to be fixed because the Matron, who incidentally is an Eket LGA-wife of one of the high and mighty in the state, will be unavoidably out of the country for the next few weeks.
Meanwhile, the babe handling the co-ordination for the next party is a certain ex-banker, turned Dubai trader.
BTW, all those females that have been making moves on my person, make una mind unaselves oh. I don't know the kind of vibes I've been putting out here, but let me state again, I love men and men only. I love gay people, I think everyone's sexual preference is their business, but please don't bring that ish to me. Can you guys imagine? Women telling me they love me when I've been seeking/praying/hoping for a man. #Notfair. *cry* lol. Three lesbian approach in the last two months...and they were so sure I would return their affection. #makawhynaw? Lol.

But please oh, do I act like a lesbian on this blog? Do you guys get that vibe?

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