samedi 17 mars 2012

Please help save Oke's legs and life

His name is Okeoghene John Igwhiwotho, an ex-student of Federal Government College. He's a diabetic mellitus type 1 and 2 patient and has been bedridden for the past six years, after losing all the toes on both feet, due to injuries he sustained many years ago. Sadly, this has prevented him from completing his university education (he dropped out from OAU). At the moment, his life is at stake and he is in need of surgery urgently.

He was supposed to have the surgery in January 2012, but he has not been able to, because of his inability to raise funds. Oke needs 5million Naira for treatment in India...and needs your help. He can be reached through the phone number, 08063255842. Banke details - Ighiwoto Okeoghene John (0012913007 - GTB). Ighiwoto Okeoghene John (2054468076 - UBA).

Continue to see what happened to his feet. Warning: Graphic content...


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