vendredi 23 mars 2012

Dear LIB readers: What do I do?

Dear Linda, please share with your readers, I need their advise
About a year ago, I met this guy at the lounge where I used to work. He frequented the place, came with his friends every weekend and they were very important to us. They spent heavily on drinks and all. He started talking to me and would always ask after me when he didn't see me. He got my number and started pestering me for a date. He would give me money, take me out and he was just the nicest guy I'd ever met. After a little while, we began dating. He was honest about his past. He told me he was divorced and had three children with his ex -wife who lived in the US. He said he relocated back to Nigeria after his marriage crashed in 2010. He told me he loved me and wanted me in his life and a few months after we met, I moved in with him. Then I got pregnant, and everything changed.

Immediately he found out about my pregnancy, his attitude changed. He started acting up, he would snap at everything I did, he became distant. It was a shock to me because he treated me well until now.

Then he confessed to me that he was only separated and not divorced. But that's not the worse part. In my bid to find out the true state of his marriage, I contacted his ex. And there lies the shock. His ex-wife is my first cousin. We used to be very close until she relocated to the US eleven years ago. I haven't spoken to my cousin in years but I never imagined that the man I'd been dating was her ex.

I have moved out of his house but I can't remove the pregnancy because I'm far gone. Our family members are already causing problems and telling my cousin to come down to Nigeria and confront me, she has been calling me too and cursing me out. She said they are not divorced or separated, only decided to live separately because of work commitments. I don't know what to do. I have been so angry.

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