mercredi 28 mars 2012

Who is this AntiDarkSkinned person on Twitter? Is she/he mad ni?

The Twitter avatar
This person, who might be male or female, has been using all kinds of derogatory words to describe black people and Africans. You need to go on her page to understand what I'm talking about. I was going to completely ignore her, but then I saw a comment where she said she or even he was happy that Trayvon Martin is dead.

Now, here's the thing. I'm sure you guys heard that the man, 21 year old Liam Stacey from Pontypridd, UK, who made some racists remarks on Twitter about footballer Fabrice Muamba after he collapsed during a football match, was yesterday sentenced to 56days in Jail. So inciting racial hatred on social media is actually a crime. So we can actually fish out whoever this person is. Continue to see more tweets...

Oh BTW, whoever Gbenga is, your comments are no longer welcome here. It was funny to me initially, but now I see how offensive these remarks can be...


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