vendredi 28 octobre 2011

How I met my wife - Obiwon

Obiwon Obiora:
I met her at her sister's wedding. I came because of the groom actually. He was a client of mine when I was working in the bank. This was July 14th 2007. I reluctantly attended the guy's wedding and when I came, it was almost done. I wanted to see the groom, say hi and go. The first person I saw was Nkechi. I asked her the whereabouts of the groom and she took me to him. Afterwards, she and I exchanged pleasantries and exchanged phone numbers. Now, we are married.
Obiwon's wife Nkechi Ezeife just graduated from Nnamdi Azikiwe University where she read Banking and Finance.

I think I need to start going to weddings o. Since women are meeting husbands there...:-).  But usually I avoid weddings. I feel like it's one of the most boring gatherings ever! The last wedding I went to, I nearly pulled the weave from my head...:-)

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