jeudi 27 octobre 2011

Goodbye Goodluck. Australian press not impressed with our president

Here's an article written by Amanda O'Brien for The Australian Newspaper
The mysterious non-appearance of Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan at a packed CHOGM forum yesterday where he was scheduled to outline his country's mining potential, failed to stop his delegation launching a strong bid for investors to get on board.
Nigeria has one of the biggest delegations with more than 120 people and its towering President with his distinctive black hat has cut an imposing figure at the business forum all week.
But there was no explanation yesterday when he failed to appear for two scheduled speeches.
 Nigerian Mines and Steel Minister Musa Mohammed Sada took his place, declaring Nigeria "the last frontier" for mineral exploration in west Africa as he touted for investors.
Mr Sada said substantial mining was happening in all the neighbouring countries as "big-time mining companies" recognised their mineral worth, and Nigeria wanted to join in.
So if he wasn't going to attend the forum, why did he go to Australia?
See the article here

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