mardi 27 septembre 2011

Newly weds, Charles and Maureen Ahize open up on their love story

Popular businessman, lawyer, and politician, Charles Ahize, 52, two weekends back married 25year old  ex-beauty queen (she was Miss Malaika 2005) and Insurance marketer, Maureen Emenalom in an extravagant traditional wedding which took place in the bride's home town in Mbaino LGA, Imo state.
A few days ago, the newly weds opened up on their love story to City People Mag.

How we met. Maureen Ahize:
The first time I met him was when I was 17. That was almost eight years ago. As the years rolled by, I kept bumping into him most times I came to Lagos from Owerri. I didn't grow up in Lagos, I grew up in Owerri.
Whenever we met, he would greet me and say I have refused to ask after him. I will just say hi and we go our separate ways. At first, I didn't really like him because I felt he wasn't serious and he was probably just out for fun. He is a club person. He likes to go clubbing. Whenever I was in Lagos to see my sister, at times we would go clubbing and I will see him. And I always wondered why he was in clubs.

We met again sometime last year and he began to pester me again, that he wants to date me. We got talking and he told me how much love he loved me and how he is free to date again since he had broken up with his wife. I wasn't seeing anybody at the time so I said let's start dating. I was later able to confirm that truly, he was broken up.
I found also that he's a very nice man, very sweet and caring. I didn't see any reason not to date him.
How we met: Charles Ahize:
I met my wife when she was very young. I met her as a friend, not a girlfriend. When I first met her I was married. I met one day when I was traveling. On that day I flew in an aircraft that didn't have first class so we were all in a central area and we had a political discussion. I saw this small girl contributing intelligently. She spoke very well and was very bold, very analytical. When we go to where we were going, I saw her getting her luggage and I offered to drop her where she was going.
The next time I saw her was at a ceremony and I recognized her. What actually attracted me to her was her diction, her voice and the unique way it sounds. But more importantly, her high level of intelligence. This girl is brilliant. Once you start a conversation with her, what will play out in your mind is how I wish this girl is my daughter, sister or wife because she's very sharp and clever. Because I enjoy her company alot, we became friends.
Over the years we kept bumping into each other. We kept seeing maybe once in 6months or so. Eventually my marriage ended. I met her again two months after I got separated. She came to my club, Tribeca, for an event. I challenged her that you don't ask after your friends. She said can I tell you the truth? I don't like to keep friendship with married men. I then told her I was no longer married, that my marriage had crashed. She said okay I should give her sometime to think about it. She also said I needed time to take care of my crashed marriage, that I need time to tidy up myself. She took her time to investigate that I was truly single again. We began to see then I began to see that spiritually we had a connection.
It began to play out. I then realized the humility in her in accepting a job as an insurance marketer. She didn't say it was belittling of her to be a marketer which exposes her to all sorts of danger. I could see a girl that actually has a focus. My marriage to her is not only to have a wife, I also want to help build heer up because she a focus and also help her realise her dreams.

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