jeudi 29 septembre 2011

According to Alexa, my blog is the 39th most read site in Nigeria! Yay!

I got an email this morning that put a huge smile on my face. See it below...
'Hey Linda, your blog is the 39th most read site in Nigeria, the only entertainment blog in the top 50. Just below Sahara Reporters and above major Nigerian newspaper sites. How did you do it? Well done babe!"
So I went on Alexa to confirm and it's true! GOH! Wow! You LIB readers are incredible, you made this happen. Thanks guys. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

To continue to stay on top, you guys have to help me. I've been doing this solo and maybe it's time to bring in help. If you have any ideas on how I can improve my blog, please send me a mail. Thanks and kisses.

Meanwhile check out the ranking here

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