mardi 27 septembre 2011

"When I die, do not spend money for my burial" - Patstor Ighodalo

“When I die, the money you want to spend for my burial, use it to benefit the people who have no benefit in life. The dead is dead, and dead for good. Let him face Jesus. Keep my funeral simple, make it easy. Use the money you want to lavish on me to pay school fees for children who need it. In fact, I will even buy my own coffin. Don’t buy Coca Cola for anybody, don’t. I am serious about it. Let’s do things in an efficient way. What you want to spend for me, don’t wait until I die, give me the money now and let me enjoy now. Don’t go and borrow money to do my burial. I don’t need it. I will be dead then, use the money on those still alive. I can’t understand why Nigerians will borrow money to celebrate burial; why they will sew clothes and drink champagne to celebrate burial. I can’t just get it out of my system. Why do Nigerians close the street to celebrate a dead man. A dead man is dead. Bury him and move on,” - Pastor Ituah Ighodalo of Trinity Church, to his congregation.

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