mardi 1 février 2011

Goodluck Jonathan to the rescue of Nigerians trapped in Egypt

President Goodluck Jonathan has directed the National Security Adviser, Andrew Azazi and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Odein Ajumogobia, to immediately evacuate Nigerians who are trapped at the Egyptian airport in Cairo. 

The special adviser to the president on media and publicity, Ima Niboro, told journalists yesterday in Addis Abab that the president gave the directive Sunday night following news he received while attending the 16th Ordinary African Union Summit. About 200 Nigerian travellers, which include students, businesspeople, government officials, and others on medical visits are said to be stranded at Cairo’s International Airport due to the turmoil in the country. They are also said to have been at the airport for days, unable to contact home, as Egyptian authorities have blocked mobile services as well as access to the Internet. - 234next.

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