mercredi 6 octobre 2010

Jonathan wants Prof Fafunwa to apologize to Nigerians. I think he should be the one apologizing.

There was massive failure in Neco this year. I think more than half the students failed the examination. And in addressing the issue, the federal government or let's say Pres. Goodluck Jonathan has asked Professor Babatunde Fafunwa to apologize to Nigerians for the failure of the 6-3-3-4 system of education (6years in primary school, 3years in Junior Secondary School, another 3years in Senior Secondary and 4 years in a tertiary institution) that he introduced in 1982 while serving as the Minister of Education. Jonathan is blaming the failure of our education sector on that system.

SMH! Instead of dealing with the real issues, they are talking about a system. How is that the problem? It doesn't matter what you call it, if the foundation is messed up, everything else is messed up.

Do you know how much teachers are paid in Nigeria? Minimum wage! Please find out what the minimum wage in Nigeria is. If teachers are well paid, they will be motivated. + Many more people will join the profession. And if there’s competition, only the most qualified will get jobs. But these days, you will find that there are more students than teachers.

For my youth service, I taught in a secondary school, and I did witness first hand one teacher teaching two or more subjects. Maths teacher is English teacher is Social Studies teacher. WTH? Some subjects don’t even have teachers. But the students do the exams. What do we expect? No teacher/Half baked teachers can only produce half baked students. Thus, massive failure in exams.

This Govt budgeted and spent over 6billion for the Independence Day celebration. Imagine if that money had been channeled towards something more meaningful - like increasing the salary of teachers, establishing more and equipping teacher training centers, providing free books to students, providing basic infrastructures needed to enhance education, like labs, libraries, computer rooms etc. How about organizing workshops and seminars for teachers and students on a regular basis?

There is no doubt that the standard of education in Nigeria has fallen drastically, but the thing is, for years, various solutions have been recommended; the only problem is – the govt don’t have their priorities right. They are more interested in embezzling money than funding education. Did you know that UNESCO recommended 25% of the nation’s budget for education? It sure as hell isn’t 25% in Naija.

Instead of dealing with the real problems, they are blaming the failure of our education sector on 6-3-3-4. A system that works for other developed countries. Now, they want to re-introduce the old system of 9-3-4. What’s the difference between that and 6-3-3-4? Maybe this re-structuring is a means to steal money? If they could spend 6billion for a-day celebration, imagine how much this 'revolution' will cost! N100 trillion perhaps?

If I were Prof Fafunwa, I would demand an apology from the president. Nonsense!

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