samedi 2 octobre 2010

Henry Chukwuma Onyema wins the inaugural JLF writing Competition

Henry Chukwuma with Toni Kan

Henry Chukwuemeka Onyema, teacher by day and writer by night, has emerged the winner of the inaugural JLF writing competition. He won for his short story, “Can I Trust You With My Life,” an adaptation of the biblical story of Samson and Delilah, and smiled home with his $1,000 prize money.

Announcing the winners, Toni Kan, one of the judges said Henry’s story scored 336 out of 400 points and was chosen for “his beautiful prose, precise diction, exciting action and ability to draw character portraits that were almost real to life.

The event held September 25, 2010 @the Silverbird Lifestyle store.

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