mardi 11 mai 2010

Depot for selling new born babies uncovered in Asaba

MEN of the Delta state police command have uncovered an illegal orphanage home in Asaba where newly-born babies are sold at exorbitant prices to people in dire need of children.

The man at the centre of the crime (names withheld) has been arrested and presently being interrogated at the state police command headquarters Asaba.

He was whisked away from his illegal orphanage home located at Usonia Street in the state capital.

  The suspect’s stock in trade is to lure pregnant teenage girls who are either running away from their parents or in doubt of the paternity of their pregnancy to his orphanage home on the pretext that he would give them protection.

And in the course of admitting them, the suspect according to police investigation, would coerce them into signing agreement to surrender the child upon delivery to the home.

“And once the baby is born and the mother discharged”, according to the source, “the man (suspect) would in turn sell out the baby to the highest bidder who are always on the queue depending on the sex of the child”.

State Police command’s spokesman, Mr. Charles Muka confirmed the incident saying that six pregnant teenagers were found when detectives raided the place, adding that “investigations are on-going”.***

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