jeudi 13 mai 2010

Your Best Face Forward Kemi the make-up artist

Kemi the Makeup Artist

Your Best Face Forward is a fun contest put together by Kemi the make-up artist for fun and also sharing favorite beauty, hair and lifestyle tips amongst ladies.

Contest Guideline:

*Contestants have to be friends of the "Kemi The Makeup Artist"page.

*Contestants will post picture of their faces with their makeup done(freestyle-no specific theme) on the "Kemi The Makeup Artist page".Beneath your pictures,state the makeup used and also state some of your favorite makeup/hair/skin/lifestyle tips.

*Contestants will get their friends to join the page and also comment on their pictures.

*Pictures with the highest number of comments or likes get a prize.

*There will be up to 10 prizes so as to give a good number of contestants a chance to win.

*Contest open to friends in the UK, Europe,USA and Nigeria.

*Contest is open to only non-makeup artists so as to give the "nons" a good chance.

*One of the prizes is service-based(photo-shoot) and you have to be in the London to claim this prize.

*Contest starts May 3rd,2010 and closes June 3rd,2010.Winners will be announced June 10,2010.
It will be clear who the winners are as the comments will be visible to all.

So ladies,bring out your brushes and makeup and let's have fun.
Location: Europe,UK,USA and Nigeria.

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