lundi 12 avril 2010

Linda meets Oluchi...

Sorry I haven't blogged since Thursday.
Nah...I'm not really sorry ...I was busy having fun all through the weekend. I didn't have time for you people
I was busy being an unknown celebrity... and then meeting the real celebrities. :-)
I was at this event and when the MC saw me, he said, 'OMG Linda Ikeji is here with us'. People turned towards me and were like...'Linda Ikeji? Who's that?'
And then when Oluchi walked into another event I was at...everyone wanted to take a picture with her, including me.

Do you know of any lady who would wear flat sandals to a red carpet event?
I present to you - Linda
Oh what da hell, whatever rocks my boat huh? :-)

...And then I met Oluchi...

You know, Oluchi and I went to the same 'lesson' for our WAEC in 1997. I was in Lagos Anglican Girls Grammer Schl, she was in Surulere Girls Sec Schl, but we attended the same after-school tutorials, where we were friends classmates for a few months. But when I tried to remind her a few years ago when we first met...she didn't remember me.
Oh well, there are people I don't remember too...
That's what happens when you become a
*I kid*

Let me explain the difference in height. You see Oluchi is 6 '2' and I am 5 '8'.
You understand now? :-)
The picture was taken at the 13th anniversary of Gentle Touch Relaxer.
Will bring you more pictures from that event later.

Will get back to regular blogging in a few days...
Hope everyone is doing great..
Catch you soon

Oh by the way, that hair of mine is ZABEL HAIR. 100% human hair. Real cute, real expensive. Given to me by the guys at Zabel Hair free of charge. One of the advantages of being a blogger *wink*
Will tell you more about it later..
Cheers people.

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