mercredi 1 avril 2009

Cartiair's Video Shoot.

I'm sure you all know I run a modeling agency, but there's something we do that I realise I've never talked about here. My agency provides models for music videos. We shot quite a few last year, mostly for upcoming artistes.

The most memorable would have to be Cmion's 'She's Hot' video. Don't know how many of you have seen it. There were over twenty girls in hot white bikini doing their thing. We provided and styled the models for that video.

We just shot our third video this year for a new artiste called CARTIAIR for his hit single 'My Swagger', under Magic Records

Check out pictures from the video shoot

On the left, looking down, is my lil sis Sandra who runs the agency. She was at the shoot to co-ordinate the models. She's Godsent, don't know what I'll do without her, 'cos I never go to these shoots -:)

The record label execs
Still part of the shoot...

We also handled the make-up for the shoot. That's one of us, Oteri Agboro, doing his thing.

I'm tired of uploading so I'm gonna stop here :)
The song, My Swagger is already blasting on the rocks!!!
Y'all need to watch out for the video.

Also if you need video vixens or want to be one, just holla at us at Blackdove Models Management...08033595004.

Photo of the day

Hanging out with some friends.
For those who don't know what I look like, I'm the pretty one with that nice smile on your right. Ok, let me write that again. I'm the pretty one with the nice smile staring right back at ya! lol

Naija Ent. News next I promise!
Later people!

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