lundi 26 novembre 2012

Dear LIB readers: What do I use to become tight again?

From a LIB reader
Hi Linda, I need advise from fellow LIBers. I'm a single 30 year old girl. My ex boyfriend was really endowed. Sex with him was great and all. But we ended up breaking up. I started seeing someone else some few months ago and its getting serious. Problem is I think my ex has expanded me too much and now, my current boyfriend isn't as big, he's just average. I don't really feel him as I'm now too wide. Oral with him is great, but I feel really bad when he enters, as it makes me feel say na me bad pass(pardon my pidgin) Dear LIBers, kindly advice me on drugs, exercise, cream, whatever to use to become tight again. Someone advised me to sit over a bucket of very hot water, but I don't think its working. I'll really appreciate ur help.
Thought we discussed this a little while ago? Girl, the solution is THIS :-)  *kidding* please reply her!

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