mardi 7 août 2012

Is staying away from social media a sign you're abnormal?

That's what some psychologists want us to believe. They are saying that if you're a certain age and you stay away from social media, then its 'suspicious' In Oyibo land, you're most probably a psychopath.
Below is something I found on Daily Mail
The German magazine Der Taggspiegel went so far as to point out that accused theater shooter James Holmes and Norwegian mass murder Anders Behring Breivik have common ground in their lack of Facebook profiles.
On a more tangible level, reports that human resources departments across the country are becoming more wary of young job candidates who don't use Facebook.
 The common concern among bosses is that a lack of Facebook could mean the applicant's account could be so full of red flags that it had to be deleted. tech reporter Farhad Manjoo wrote in an advice column that young people shouldn't date anyone who isn't on Facebook.
'If you’re of a certain age and you meet someone who you are about to go to bed with, and that person doesn’t have a Facebook page, you may be getting a false name. It could be some kind of red flag,' he says.
Manjoo points out that these judgements don't apply to older people who were already productive adults before social media became widespread.

I personally kinda find this a little silly. Some people are extremely private and don't want their business, photos on the WWW...that doesn't make them dysfunctional, or does it?

What's your thoughts on this?

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