vendredi 25 mai 2012

Dear LIB readers: Help, my colleague sucks

From a LIB reader:
My colleague sucks..yes!!! Big time. She has sooooo many nasty habits I cannot even "begin to start" counting..
A) she begs-anything u chop, she must wan chop even if na kuli-kuli and she does it unashamedly. Everyone has noticed but no one wants to say anything..its horrible. She even stares at your food till you lose appetite for it. The one I hate pass, you put your drink on the table she picks it up and gulps sticking her tongue into the bottle*rme*
B) she sneezes , coughs, blows her nose, talks loudly (can't control her pitch),chews like ......
All these and so many more.
No one wants to correct her but they don't suffer as much as I do..I sit close to her and I cannot move for now..I can't even concentrate. How do I address this without coming across as rude? Thanks.

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