vendredi 25 novembre 2011

Nigerian Taxi Driver Killed In Ireland

Moses Ayanwole
A Nigerian taxi driver, Moses Ayanwole (41), married with a child and based in Hartstown, west Dublin, Republic of Ireland, has died after being attacked in his taxi by a passenger at about 12.30am on Monday Nov 21.

Moses was punched in the head, and he fell heavily on to the ground as his taxi was parked on Pearse Street near Erne Street junction. After the attack, he fell into a coma and died yesterday at St. James’s Hospital in Dublin after suffering serious head injuries.

It is believed that a large group of people flagged down the taxi, but the victim told them he could not take them all. There was a brief discussion and the group got out of the car and flagged down another taxi. But one man stayed behind and exchanged words with the taxi driver. As he was leaving, Mr. Ayanwole was punched and fell.

His attacker, a 20 something yr old, was initially arrested and released without charge, but with Ayanwole's death, police are planning to re-arrest him on manslaughter charges. A post-mortem will be carried out to pinpoint the exact cause of death.

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