mercredi 15 juin 2011

Osama was a sex machine, claims US biographer

Al Qaida chief Osama bin Laden, who was killed by elite US forces in Pakistan early last month, was a sex machine, according to American writer Jean Sasson who interviewed one of his wives and sons for a controversial biography that is creating a lot of buzz in cyberspace. Sasson says Laden used to have sex with his first wife for days on end whenever he came back from waging jihad.

According to the information she managed to acquire from Laden’s first wife - Najwa, his first cousin whom he married in 1974 when she was 17 and their son - Omar, Osama was a sex machine when he was not waging wars.

The dead al Qaeda leader would vanish into his bedroom with Najwa upon his return and not come out until they had properly reacquainted themselves, the biography claims.
Najwa was interviewed by the US-based investigative reporter and author Sasson for her biography ‘Growing Up Bin Laden’.

"When I asked Najwa what her favourite time of day was, she admitted that it was 'the sleeping time'," Sasson was quoted as saying in US media.

She added that Najwa was not referring to the actual sleeping time but the time Laden devoted to her completely. Omar said that when he was a child, Osama would come home from Afghanistan and take Najwa into the bedroom and they wouldn't come out for days.

At the time of Laden's killing, he was living with three later wives in a compound in Abbottabad in Pakistan where it has been reported that US soldiers found herbal viagra. Sasson said she "wouldn't be surprised" at all if that were true.


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