mercredi 15 juin 2011

"My best friend got pregnant for my husband" - Mama Nothing Spoil

Sounds like a Dear LIB readers feature, only this one is not from anonymous, it's from twice married popular TV presenter and comedian, Mercy Oyebo, popularly known as 'Mama Nothing Spoil' (if you don't know her, google her!). She spoke with reporter Toyin Komolafe about how her second hubby got her best friend pregnant and nearly ruined her life.

Her story when you continue...

"I've never mentioned my second marriage to anyone in the press. It happened that a lady called Femi from one of the media houses came to interview me. When she came she was going through a turbulent time at work and in her marriage as she had no child for her husband and she asked me to pray for her. From there we became very close, that I could do anything for. When the interview came out, a sailor, Segun Dada, who had read the interview called the interviewer (Kemi), who got intouch with me. A friendship developed with Segun Dada and we later got married. The day we went to the registry, there was a caution in my spirit and I asked the registrar if I could come for a divorce after two years in case the marriage doesn’t work.
Mama Nothing Spoil went on to explain that the reason why she said this was because she observed that the sailor was crafty. To her dismay, the journalist who proposed the toast at her wedding started to sleep with her husband. The journalist and her husband called each other at will but she never suspected any foul play as she trusted the lady so much.
She explains further “While we were together, he was draining my purse and I could only continue mu building when he was out of my life. I found out he had slept with practically all the young girls and married women in the area we lived. There is this hotel here at Sango Ota called Black Sugar, where he took different women to have sex with.
Kemi the journalist was one of these women and she eventually got pregnant and had a son for Mama Nothing Spoil’s husband. On her regrets about being betrayed by her best friend, she had this to say “I have no regrets. I am neither bothered about the woman or my ex-husband as I have a wonderful son, David, out of the marriage and Kemi also has a son for him. I thank God I have my job, my programme is running on about 11 TV stations.

While in the marriage, Mama Nothing Spoil was the one taking care of the family financially, and when she had her baby boy, she was operated on and she had to sell her car so she could afford the hospital bills and drugs. Her ex-husband  Segun Dada made sure he had squandered the little money she left at home before she was discharged from the hospital. It was later she realized that he had given an engagement ring to another woman while married to her.

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