mercredi 25 mai 2011

Another person needs your urgent advice

I am in a very terrible situation at the moment and I need advice cos I am going crazy. Could you please post my situation on your blog as I feel suicidal right now!

I met my fiance in 2009  through a mutual friend. We have had the best relationship in the world . We got on really well from the scratch and had absolutely no issues. My family loves him to bits and i get on with his family too.  In January 2011, he proposed to me and i accepted. We set a date for October 2011 and moved in together. Both of us together with our families have been planning our wedding. I have bought my dress, bridesmaids dresses, we have gotten the rings, venue has been booked, basically all has been set for October. I got the shock of my life when he told me last week that he had a confession to make! He told me his ex girlfriend just had a baby girl for him 2 weeks ago.

He apologized and said it was a mistake. he begged me to keep it a secret so as not to affect plans for october .My fiance and i were so close, he was my best friend.. the thought of him cheating on me has left me broken since he told me.. how , why , what, when ? the only time we were not together was when we were at work.we were that close!  My heart skipped when he told me.. i have since moved into my girlfriend's flat as i cannot even stand to look him in the face.... i trusted him so much , he was the first guy i ever slept with.. and this is what i get? I dont know how to tell my parents as this will break their hearts!
My question is, do i go on with the wedding, or call it off?
Please help.. I AM GOING NUTS!

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