mardi 31 mai 2011

Nigerian High Commissioner's Official Response to Battery Allegations

The Kenyan ambassador who has been recalled has sent out an official statement in response to allegations of wife battery. Ambassador Wigwe in his response denied battering his wife. He claims it was all a set up by her for financial reasons. These two people have been married for over thirty years, have five children, four grandchildren and they are doing this to themselves? Incredible!!!

Read the official statement he released to the press after the cut...


I married Tess Iyi Wigwe (nee Oniga) under native law and custom on 9th April 1978. The girl I married was famous for her temper and fighting ability. With my gentle and unassuming nature, I honestly believed that the sharp contrast in our characters could neutralize and complement each other. It was a grave error of judgment.

I joined the Nigerian Foreign Service in April 1984 after teaching at the University of Jos for some years. My first posting in 1986 was to Tokyo, Japan. I was in charge of Commercial and Trade Matters. One night in July 1988, I took my female colleague from another Embassy out for dinner. It was actually the first outing. After dinner, I took her in my car in order to drop her off at a train station. As we drove through town, a car which I quickly recognised as mine (I owned 2 cars) and being driven by Mrs Wigwe pulled up beside us at a traffic light. Mrs Wigwe hurled air freshener bottles and any other objects she could find in the car to hit us. I later came down from the vehicle and explained to her who the lady was. But she did not believe me and instead chased me through the city shouting abuses at us and throwing objects at us. When I got to a train station, I opened the door and let the lady out. Mrs Wigwe abandoned her car in the middle of the road causing a big jam as she ran after the lady. She caught up with her and after interrogating her, seriously assaulted her, and beat her so mercilessly using the woman’s umbrella that the woman passed out. Mrs Wigwe fearing that the lady was dead fled the scene taking with her the woman’s hand bag. Good Samaritans took the lady to hospital where she spent one month in intensive care. I was made to pay the woman’s hospital bills. The morning after the attack, Mrs Wigwe traced me to the Embassy where I had taken shelter and took a huge stone and smashed the windscreen of the car to pieces. Mrs Wigwe never admitted to taking the handbag and its contents. However, months later, the wife of a colleague with whom she had left the handbag, confessed. This gross act of violence visited on an innocent woman, so angered the Nigerian Ambassador and the entire staff that it was decided that Mrs Wigwe should be punished severely to deter other wives with such inclinations. Accordingly, she was suspended from post for 3 months and repatriated to Nigeria by the Embassy in October 1988. She spent a total of 6 months at home coming back only in April 1989 when my posting came to an abrupt end following the decision of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to recall over 150 officers worldwide who had spent 24 months and above at post in the wake of the structural adjustment programme of the government of the day.

That premature recall had a serious psychological impact on my very young family of 4 and I decided to take a one year study leave at own expense ostensibly to pursue a post-graduate diploma in journalism in London, but strategically, to insulate our children from the disruptive effects of the unpredictable posting policy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I therefore took my family along with me at great cost. When I left England in February 1992, I left my family behind. In 1993 I was posted to Warsaw, Poland but my family remained in London for the sake of the children’s and Mrs Wigwe’s education. Having learnt a bitter lesson from Tokyo, I unilaterally decided that Mrs Wigwe must not live with me at post in Warsaw. Instead, I encouraged her quest for higher education since she had only secondary education when I married her. She graduated from Middlesex University in July 1998. I paid her fees through university from 1993 and law school. At the end of my posting in October 1998, I returned to Nigeria. The family, now well established and settled, remained in London. Between 1998 and 1999 I made regular visits to the family. In November 1999, Mrs Wigwe visited me in Abuja and we travelled to her home town. We had a very serious misunderstanding. We returned to Abuja and she travelled back to London. When she returned to London after two weeks, she informed me that she no longer wished for me to come to London as previously planned to spend the Christmas and New Year holidays. All my efforts to reach her by telephone, fax and mail were unsuccessful. The situation continued until 2002 when on transiting London en route New York for an official assignment in July 2002, I discovered that Mrs Wigwe had brought her male lover, a Nigerian of Yoruba tribe, to live with her and the children in the family house. The children told me how they had bitterly resented her and her lover. But she ignored the children and co-habited with her boyfriend in the family house for close to a year. To all intents and purposes, we were still husband and wife; we were not even officially separated! It was then I knew the reason why I had been barred from visiting the family since 1999. Consequently, and bruising from the humiliation she had bestowed on me and the children in particular, I hastily remarried in December 2002. I married my colleague in the service whom I had not actually known for more than six months. By mutual consent in December 2006, we decided to separate amicably and to remain friends which we are to date. As the marriage had no children it was quite easy for us to part. I remained a bachelor.

Following my nomination as ambassador in September 2007, I called Mrs Wigwe on phone to offer her an olive branch and to ask her to join me, if she so wished, to associate with my new appointment. It was another grave error of judgment. Although I never intended that we should live together under the same roof again as husband and wife given our antecedents and the coldness of feelings that mutually existed between us after many years of separate lives. I was only prepared for her to have a sense of belonging and attachment to my new status considering also that we have 5 children together. I thought the honour was due to her. She accepted and travelled to see me in Abuja in April 2008. Our first encounter after many years, proved to me and I guess to her, that we could truly no longer call ourselves husband and wife. Nevertheless and much to my shock and deep apprehension, she decided to take a leave of absence for 3 years from her employer in London to join me in residence in Nairobi. She insisted that I should take over her monthly expenditures in London including an ongoing mortgage for the family house I had myself helped her to buy in 2004 after she was on the verge of losing it due to lack of funds to meet her housing loan requirements. I did this in spite of not being married to her. I did it for the sake of the children. I could not contest her decision to come and live with me in Nairobi thus I let her come. But, it was clear as crystal that our differences and her mistrust of me and our mutual dislike for each other’s company were insoluble but above all that our long evaporated love would never come back. Thus, we have been living in separate bedrooms connected by an inner door that is firmly and permanently locked from her side of the border. We decided to live with as minimal contact with each other as we could manage. Because she often refused to open her door, we developed the art of communication by notes pushed under the door. She liked it so much as it often allowed her to state her endless money requests without having to justify them. We hardly engage in conversations except when she needs money. Our irregular engagements in the act of conversation often end up in a quarrel. In public we manage to present a united front but those who are close to us know that we were only putting up appearances. We did fairly well and were just longing for the end of my tenure as ambassador so that we could resume forever our separate lives. That long hoped for time is nearly with us and hence the deep anxiety on the part of Mrs Wigwe who for 3 years has lived in reasonable comfort and financial security, with a Mercedes Benz car and a driver to complement her status. The end of my tenure would mean a return to financial stress and anxiety for her. Mrs Wigwe is in a desperate mood. I am reliably informed that most of the GBP 1,700 mortgage (about $2,800) that I have to cough out every month from my meagre Foreign Service allowance and remit to her account in London through my Barclays account in Nairobi, was allegedly misappropriated by someone she trusted in London and that to date the mortgage in London is in tatters and Mrs Wigwe has suffered a loss of GBP 10,000. Besides this loss, Mrs Wigwe claimed that she had lost $6,000 in cash from her bedroom in 2009 and most recently another $3,000. The houseboy then in 2009 was accused of stealing the money from Mrs Wigwe’s 24 hour locked bedroom. The servant pleaded his innocence and the money was never found and police abandoned the matter and we sacked the servant. The latest theft of $3,000 again from her heavily locked bedroom sometime this year remains a mystery. She did interrogate the new servant and even followed him to his house to interrogate his wife, but nothing came of it. Mrs Wigwe is in a desperate state financially. This is the motive for the onslaught against me in a desperate attempt to tarnish my image and reputation and to get monetary compensation that will restore her big loss and sustain her for a long time. That is why she has carefully chosen the words she used in the story that appeared in the Star where she was talking of spine and paralysis. Mrs Wigwe is an avid watcher of the television channel Crime Investigation. She hardly watches anything else. She had obviously practised and rehearsed her lines and actions for months in her premeditated assault on me on Wednesday 11th May 2011. Concerning her wish for spine injury that would lead to paralysis, I can only pray God to please graciously grant her wish so that she may truly know what it is to have spine injury.

On Thursday 26th May 2011, the Star, a Nairobi based tabloid, published a story in its front page with photographs showing a badly bruised face of Mrs Tess Wigwe and an allegation that I, her husband, had inflicted those injuries on her face. It was alleged that I had beaten my wife because she had responded to a “note” from me requesting to be served food. It was alleged that I had so beaten her that she suffered injuries to her spine and she was in danger of being paralysed. Many other allegations dating back to many years then followed in her premeditated attempt to build a solid case against me, including the foolish allegation that I used to bring women to the Residence in 2008 and the blatantly false information that she left me in Nigeria in 1999 and went to England to study and live.

In response to these allegations, I wish to state quite categorically that I did not beat my wife and that I did not ask for food either in writing or verbally. What happened that fateful Wednesday night was shocking to me and clearly fits into a pre-planned mould cast by the avid Crime TV watcher..   I had returned home late at night after attending the launch of a new product, Go Places, by Kenya Commercial Bank which was held at the Hilton Hotel. As is my practice, I went straight to my room and began to take off my jacket. Mrs Wigwe matched into my room shouting on top of her voice (that is how she speaks to me) that if I knew I would not be eating at home, I should tell her so she does not have to prepare any meals for me. I was stunned as indeed I had been eating regularly every day when I come home from work. I took it for a joke but I saw she was going on and on and would not let me put in a word. Her loud voice attracted my daughter Ada who came over to my room. Upon sighting my daughter I told her to please convince her mother that I had been eating food I met in the fridge every day at least for the past two weeks. Mrs Wigwe was taking none of that and insisted and before I knew it she was abusing me and calling me names. I naturally got angry and told her that if she were indeed taking proper charge of her kitchen then she would have noticed that I do eat what has been prepared for me. She took offence with my comment and became agitated when I asked her when or what has prompted her sudden interest and care for my welfare.
In her characteristic manner, Mrs Wigwe lunged at me to slap me. I tried defending myself and indeed my daughter came in the way and as we tussled and jostled around the door to her own bedroom where a massive wooden shoe rack was standing, Mrs Wigwe received a cut. Once she felt blood on her right side of face, Mrs Wigwe used her right hand to rub the blood and smeared her entire face with it. She ran into her bedroom and produced a camera and in the presence of my daughter and I, Mrs Wigwe photographed herself, taking two to three shots. She was shouting that she had got me, and that the whole world was going to see her bloodied face; that she was going to send the picture to Abuja. As my daughter and I tried to push her into her room to prevent her from coming to fight me, my daughter’s hand was caught in the bedroom door and she gasped in pain. Mrs Wigwe also grabbed her phone and called her friend Yvonne to come and take her as she had been injured and bleeding. My son Nelson, who also joined in the effort to restrain Mrs Wigwe, offered to wipe the blood but Mrs Wigwe refused. With camera in hand, Mrs Wigwe ran downstairs and outside the building and for the next one hour was hurling abuses at me and shouting obscenities about me and my family and friends. It took the combined efforts of the Security Guard, the Cook and my son Nelson Ikenna to hold her back and prevent her from re-entering the house which I had now safely locked. In frustration that she could not re-enter the house, Mrs Wigwe who claimed in her report to the Star that she had suffered spinal injury, managed to wrestle with three able men and finally broke loose to carry a flower pot to smash the big glass window of the room we use as gym. She carried the flower pot and threw it at the glass window, shattering it. Not long after, her friend Yvonne arrived and together with my daughter they drove off. No ambulance was needed to convey Mrs Wigwe to hospital. Mrs Wigwe did not first rush to the Police to report the incident and show her injuries to the police. Mrs Wigwe only reported to the police on 27th May! That speaks volumes. She went to the police after people had begun to doubt her story! The first wave of shock when the story first hit the headlines had begun to give way to sombre reflection and analysis. As the children and house staff began to contradict her story, she decided it was time to make a statement to the police. She began to focus on her dual citizenship and what the British government might do for her.

Yvonne later sent me a text message saying Mrs Wigwe and daughter had been admitted at Aga Khan Hospital. I sent Mrs Wigwe a text in the morning advising her to get much needed rest. I also wanted to go and see her but she bluntly told me to keep off and to await a letter from her lawyer and to watch the news for what was going to happen to me. I had advised her to take the period to rest properly in hospital having noticed that since January she had lacked proper sleep following the devastating news of the alleged misappropriation of GBP 10,000 by her trusted friend and the “theft” of $3,000 in-house. Of course, she was not aware that my son Nelson to whom she had confided about the loss in London had intimated me I had sworn to secrecy before not to divulge the information. I continue to pretend ignorance of what has been ailing her and almost confining her to her bed for months. In addition, my son had also informed me that while I was away on consultation in Abuja, Mrs Wigwe had told him that somebody had hinted her that I might have purchased a house in Nairobi. She had said that she was investigating it and if found to be true, will engage the services of a lawyer to ensure that her name was appended to the property. She thus began calling my staff in the Embassy but got no positive response. She quizzed Nelson and found out he knew nothing of any such enterprise. She could be scheming to lay her hands on the property if it is indeed true. It is instructive that on the night when her spine was broken and she had severe waist pain, Mrs Wigwe remembered to mention the house issue among the tirade of words that were flying out of her mouth like a practised actor. Her greed would not allow her to note that she alone owns the house in London and in her village which was built entirely with my money while serving in Tokyo. Considering the odds staring her in the face as my tenure in Nairobi draws to a close, Mrs Wigwe is in dire need of a way out.

My daughter Ada was discharged from hospital after several x-rays revealed no damages to her bruised hand. Mrs Wigwe remained in hospital until Saturday 14th morning when Yvonne sent me a text to say that she had been discharged and I needed to pay the bills. I was in church when the text came and I went straight to the hospital and paid the bill of ksh 27,800 (about $330) and even took her x-ray result. She had only taken the pain killer prescribed for her and had not taken the x-ray result. Her spinal injury was miraculously healed within 3 days. From hospital she went straight to Yvonne’s home and remained there. I travelled to Abuja on Wednesday 18th and came back on Wednesday 25th. When she heard news of my travel, she returned to the Residence as I was to learn later. As I had locked my bedroom from the front door, I was shocked to discover that my drawers had been ransacked and 1 (one) Rolex watch, 1(one) Accurate gold watch and 1(one) gold ring with precious stone had been stolen with their cases. Mrs Wigwe is the only one with a key to the connecting door to my room. She prevented me from keeping a spare. Only she has absolute access to my bedroom and she enters there at will including when am fast asleep. Why did she have to remove those items if not to sell them and make some extra cash from them? Secondly, when I entered the pantry next to my bedroom, I noticed that 1 (one) trunk box and over 10 (ten) empty suitcases belonging to me had disappeared and the room was desolate. The trunk box was full of my stuff but she had recklessly emptied them and forcefully repacked them into the other two boxes. I asked the houseboy who confirmed that Mrs Wigwe had packed all her personal belongings into the suitcases and locked them in the store downstairs. I went downstairs and noticed that she had removed her pictures from the various room walls. In spite of all these, I found Mrs Wigwe very much living in the house, locked up as usual in her bedroom!

On the same day that I had returned to Nairobi having flown with the night flight from Lagos, I went to work and a little after 11 am I received a call from an unfamiliar number. It was a man from Radio Africa, publishers of the Star. He mumbled something about a letter with very bad photographs of a woman sent in by a woman lawyer in respect to my wife. I was shocked but I told him that I recall that Mrs Wigwe had sent me a text on 12th May saying that I would soon hear from her lawyer. She had also told me that she was going to send pictures around. I instantly denied inflicting any such injuries as he was describing and requested him to call me back so we could set up a meeting to discuss the letter since I who was supposed to be the accused received no such letter from any lawyer. He hung up. The following day, very early in the morning, I could hear movement from Mrs Wigwe’s room and I could hear that she had ran downstairs and back upstairs. As I went into the bathroom, a friend called me and advised me to check out the Star newspaper. I ran downstairs to pick up the newspapers of the day from the front door only to discover that Mrs Wigwe had earlier picked them and returned to her room.

When I finally saw a copy of the paper in my office, I was aghast at the strange photos of Mrs Wigwe and her “battered face” and worse still to read of severe injuries to her “spine” which according to the report could leave her paralysed! I was also shocked that the story of how the argument started had been shamelessly and fraudulently altered. I was shocked to read that my two children took her to hospital. I was shocked to hear that I had beaten her up in 2008 because I had brought women to the Residence. And many other concoctions of our story over the years completed my day of mystery and entry into the world of absolute scandal and blackmail, with intent to extort money from me.

I affirm on my honour that I am not a wife beater. I affirm that in the many years that I have known and lived with Mrs Wigwe, she has always been the aggressor. That Mrs Wigwe is prone to using her fists first rather than engage in a debate or an argument to prove her case. If anyone is guilty of violence in my home, it is Mrs Wigwe. If anyone is a victim of domestic violence it is I. I have lost many spectacles over the years following Mrs Wigwe’s direct hit on my face. I sleep every night afraid that she may enter my room and stab or strangle me in my sleep. I am for this reason half awake all night. I do not take phone calls when I enter the Residence. Every call I take is suspected to be from a woman who must also be my girlfriend. So even for official calls from colleagues or from my host government or my own government, I have to go downstairs where she cannot hear that I am making a call. On some occasion when I would have fallen asleep and had forgotten to turn the television set off, she had stormed into my bedroom with lights blazing, to accuse me of making a call. On such occasions, I normally summon all the humility and composure in me to endure the unwarranted interruption of my sleep in order not to provoke an argument. Mrs Wigwe removes the photographs of people she does not like from the album of official events organised by the Embassy. She had also asked that DVDs be edited to remove the people she no longer considered as friends or people she said did not greet her in a respectful way or people whose affinity to me could not be sufficiently established. Most recently, she abused officials of the Association of Nigerian Women in Kenya (ANWIK) and prevented me from attending the Nigerian Family Fun Day on Easter Saturday 23rd April 2011, organized by the women because she was angry that ANWIK which is registered with the High Commission did not consult and get her approval before approaching the Embassy. The women had apologised and pleaded and even bribed her with a free special dress which she had accepted, but in vain they pleaded. On the day of the event we were not there and my colleague from Ghana had to stand in for me!

On the level of public conduct, Mrs Wigwe has so intimidated and assaulted many people in Nairobi, men and women and staff of the High Commission alike that the High Commission no longer holds dinners, luncheons and other mandatory functions in the Residence. If in doubt, please ask around Nairobi. Mrs Wigwe has assaulted and abused so many people at public gatherings in Nairobi that people fear to greet me when we meet at public functions. Mrs Wigwe hardly supports me in my work. Although she struggles to have a copy my weekly programme and quarrels when my staffs forget to leave a copy for her, she often criticises me for attending too many functions. When people commend me for the work that I do she feels offended and often complains that I am the reason why people don’t notice her. I have tried in vain to encourage her to do more social work or to consider doing a post graduate course in any of the universities in Nairobi, as a way of keeping her occupied and fulfilled. But after three years living in Nairobi, she has not added any educational value to her degree.

On relations with staff of the Mission, Mrs Wigwe is a constant irritant. She considers herself as the ambassador and I her weak deputy. She calls staff and directs them on what to do. She intimidates the local staff and threatens to sack them and when I refuse to do so, we quarrel.

Mrs Wigwe is in dire need of psychiatric examination or what religious persons may call spiritual deliverance, but over the many years and on each occasion when I or those close to us have advised her to do so, she had always ended up insulting us. But this woman needs help. Every woman who shakes hands with Dr Wigwe is a threat to Mrs Wigwe. Even my female colleague ambassadors have not been spared. Mrs Wigwe’s ten finger nails are painted and coloured differently ranging from blue, red, brown, and gold to yellow. A different colour and pattern for each finger nail. Everybody sees something funny in that especially for a woman her age and status, but only Mrs Wigwe sees it as most fashionable and chic.

Mrs Wigwe is desperate seeing that my posting is fast coming to an end. She badly needs money. She set me up and used me as a pawn by destroying me knowing that we were never going to be husband and wife again after Nairobi. Our coming together was only for the sake of sharing in the glamour and glory of high office. That was the motivating factor for her uncharacteristic concern for my welfare on that night of the 11th and that was why she refused to believe either I or her daughter and instead proceeded to generate an argument using provocative language. She had obviously concluded that Dr Wigwe must not be allowed to leave Nairobi with honours on his back. That was the plot and she found a willing accomplice who introduced her to a woman lawyer who is a friend to the Editor of the junk newspaper otherwise called the Star. That is how the Star has come to champion this fake and fraudulent story in an attempt to help the friend of a friend in her most difficult time of financial ruin and imminent suicide.

My daughter, Adanne and son Nelson Ikenna, had stormed the Star newspaper offices to protest the falsehood the Editor so shamelessly carried in her paper. The Editor had confessed to my children that she and the lawyer were actually friends. Two quality newspapers in Kenya namely the Nation and the Standard had refused to carry the junk story. Nelson has further made a comprehensive statement to the Diplomatic Police, where he had met the Residence Security guard (name withheld) who had witnessed the actions of Mrs Wigwe on the night of the event and had struggled in vain with the Cook and my son Nelson to restrain Mrs Wigwe, with a “seriously damaged back and spine.” Mrs Wigwe had coached, coaxed and incited him to misinform the police about what happened in order to make her story credible but fortunately for Truth and Justice and fortunately for the millions of men like me all over the world who are silently suffering and living under the Tyranny of a Woman, who are Living in Bondage, who are emotionally and physically abused and assaulted on a daily basis by their wives, who are forbidden to bring their relatives to the house, who are forbidden to bring visitors to the home, who are impoverished by gluttonous and greedy wives, the Christian and God fearing Guard refused to be intimidated. May the Truth prevail.

Violence against Men is real and must be stopped. The stereotyping of men as being responsible for domestic violence has gone too far and has damaged permanently the reputation of so many good men. Many men have lost their lives or have been forced to commit suicide because of over domineering and manipulative women. The female predators move on with glee to their next victim. Mrs Wigwe has proven beyond doubt my long held beliefs that “Truth is a lie repeated three times,” and another which says that “He lies often who cries often.”

Dr Chijioke Wilcox Wigwe
Dated this 30th day of May 2011 at Nairobi, Republic of Kenya

Former Senate President, Anyim Pius Anyim, is the new SGF

President Goodluck Jonathan has named former Senate President, Anyim Pius Anyim as the Secretary to the Government of the Federation (SGF). He was sworn in this afternoon. The President also re-appointed former Chief of Defence Staff, Andrew Azazi as the National Security Adviser.

Recycling the same people who have been tested in the past and they failed. We seem to have the same inner circle in operation. God help us!

Please what is Tyrese talking about?

 He writes the above, and then he tweets the picture below..
Is he trying to become a civil rights leader or he's talking about playing the role of MLK in a movie? Hopefully it's none of the

Incase you missed it. 2011 Presidential Inauguration Ceremony

Dear LIB Readers: Does Marriage Destroy Friendship?

Dear Linda, I am so angry right now that I can't even explain. She was my best friend for 13 years. My very best friend since our high school days. We did everything together, even lived together in my parents house for a few years before she met her husband. She got married last December and I've only seen her twice since then. Everytime I call her for a meet up, she comes up with one excuse or the other. I've only ever been invited to her matrimonial home once. These days I am so anxious about calling because she acts like I am disturbing her. Her marriage has put a huge strain on our friendship and I am devastated. I never thought marriage would take my best friend away. Please help share with your readers and ask them if friendship have to change when one party gets married and the other remains single? And what's the best way to deal with this anger I feel towards her?

Please share your thoughts.
Meanwhile, LIB means (Linda Ikeji Blog)

Genevieve Nnaji wants a man with Johnny Depp's personality and Boris Kodjo's lips

Genevieve with the Editor of New African Woman magazine, Regina Jane

NAW Mag - "You've been linked romantically to several people, are there any wedding bells in the future?"
Genny - "Yes, I am dating. But there won't be any chiming of any wedding bells, although I want to get married. I am looking for someone who can keep me excited because I get easily bored. I need someone who is there to support me, who is confident. Anyone who's with me needs to be confident. I haven't got time to be massaging any man's ego. My ideal man is someone with a Johnny Depp personality and with Boris Kodjo's lip (laughs)." Genevieve said in her interview with New African Woman magazine.

Me I want a man with Vin Diesel's voice, Vin Diesel's body, Vin Diesel's lips, Vin Diesel's personality, Vin Diesel's...I want Vin Diesel period! lol

Nigerian Pastors have great taste in women

I don't know if you guys have noticed, but our pastors seem to have the best taste in everything. From the clothes they wear, to their cars, their church buildings...and then their wives. They are all married to goregous women.

Top left: Ifeanyi Adefarasin (husband-Pastor Paul Adefarasin), Ibidun Ajayi-Ighodalo (husband-Pastor Ituah Ighodalo). Bottom left: Stephanie Henshaw-Okotie (husband-Pastor Chris Okotie), Nike Adeyemi (husband-Rev Sam Adeyemi).

Darey Art Alade - live acoustic session

Darey Art Alade performs a medley in The White Room for This is Africa

Ashley Nwosu to be buried June 11

The veteran actor who died on Thursday April 21, 2011 from liver complications, will be buried on Saturday June 11 in his home town in Abia State.

Zaaki Azzay loses younger brother

Tyonna Abraham Fatch, Zaaki Azzay's younger brother was only 35years old when he died last week in Abuja after a brief illness. He will be buried this week in his home town. RIP

Introducing: Naija Ninjaz

Naija Ninjaz All Stars is a musical movement consisting of artist under the Naija Ninja imprint. They are Excel, Sound Sultan, Nyore, Henry Knight and Baba Dee and they are about to take the music industry by storm!

Julius Agwu and wife celebrate 3rd wedding annivery

Today is the 3rd wedding Anniversary of versatile comedian and his beautiful wife, Ibiere. Wishing them many more blissful married life ahead.

Tuface Idibia misses someone

"Gosh babe I miss u badly. Wish I could rewind or fastfwd time" Tuface Idibia wrote on twitter this morning.

Wonder which lady he's referring to? Yeah, me too. lol. Seriously it's hard to keep up with this dude, he's always in one romance or the other. In fact he's currently in a sizzling romance with a well known sexy singer. Sorry can't divulge the name. It's a secret romance, can't spoil it for

Warri-based lawyer killed days after his wedding

This is really sad news. Popular and well liked Warri-based lawyer, Barrister Ighoyefe Iyubu, pictured above, was shot dead by unknown men, but mostly believed to be armed robbers, in his Jakpa Road Residence in Effurun last week Thursday May 26, just days after his May 21 wedding to his four months pregnant wife, Eloho, who was said to have gone into coma after the horrid incident. The late barrister will be buried this weekend in his home town.

He is survived by his wife, parents and siblings. May he rest in peace..amen.

Paul Okoye robbed at gun point in Lagos

Paul Okoye was also robbed at gun point last week Wednesday around 6pm on his way to Victoria Island. The robbers took his phone, wristwatch, all the money on him and were about collecting the keys to his X6 BMW when people noticed what was happening and raised an alarm. The robbers left him alone and ran away.

The robbery incidents in this country has really increased over the past few months. May God keep us all safe.

Zenith Bank donates N300m hospital to Lagos State Govt

Zenith Bank has donated a N300 million 100 bed-capacity hospital facility to the Lagos State Government 
The hospital, Iga Idunganran Healthcare Centre, is located at the Adeniji-Adele area of Lagos Island.

Great stuff! Kudos to Zenith Bank, hopefully, others will follow.

lundi 30 mai 2011

Singer Miguel confuses me

One minute he's all manly and cute, and then he goes and dresses like this...

New Video: Weird MC - Happy Day

Actor Ernest Asuzu launches clothing line

The troubled actor and sometime rap artist recently launched his clothing line which he calls JDB, meaning Jesus Na Boss. Stuff like what he's wearing above.

Enough is Enough! Dr. Chijioke Wilcox Wigwe Must Go

We the undersigned Nigerians and friends of Nigeria write to urge you, as the president of the Federal Republic of Nigeria,  to act urgently to stop the perverse spectacle of domestic violence and marital discord involving Dr. Chijioke Wilcox Wigwe, Nigeria’s High Commissioner to Kenya and the Seychelles. The world was recently shocked with grisly pictures of his bloodied wife Ms. Tess Iyi Wigwe on the pages of a Kenyan newspaper. The diplomat’s wife and medical as well as law enforcement authorities in Kenya have stated that the trauma to the wife’s body resulted from her pummeling by the ambassador. 

See the silly man (center in black attire) with Nollywood stars over the weekend
Dr. Wigwe and his embassy staff have not helped matters by their utterances since this event came to light. They have severally denied that Dr. Wigwe was involved in this horrific beating and instead have offered a most ludicrous alibi – the Ketchup defense. They claim that, for some perverse reason, Dr. Wigwe’s wife became a Nollywood makeup artist and poured ketchup on her face to look like a bloodied victim. We believe that Dr. Wigwe is the real makeup artist here. If her injuries were feigned, the Kenyan doctors who treated her would have easily unmasked her ploy....

This message is sponsored by: Concerned Nigerians and Friends of Nigeria

To sign the petition, please go here

ThisDay Boss, Nduka Obaigbena becomes NPAN President

NPAN is Newspaper Proprietors' Association of Nigeria. Mr Obaigbena was elected the new president last week at the association's annual general meeting, succeeding Punch Newspaper chairman, Chief Ajibola Ogunshola, who retired last month.

Ladies, a word of advice from Jada Pinkett Smith

Jada Pinkett Smith posted this picture on her Facebook page with the caption, "This is how you keep your man in check ladies."
Hahaha, I hear you ya lo

I made N3,000 daily dressing like a lady –15year old boy

A 15-year-old boy, Teslim Moshood, has said he made about N3,000 daily by dressing like a lady to deceive unsuspecting men. He said, “I dress like a lady to attract sympathy from men. I always tell people, especially men, that I am stranded and I need transport fare to travel.

“Initially, I was doing that as a boy and used to realize about N1,000 per day. But when I started dressing like a lady, I raised between N1,500 and N3,000 per day.

“I have been doing this for eight months. There are men that will approach me that they want to date me. I usually collect their telephone numbers but I don’t normally call them.

“There was a time a man came to meet me at my hotel room. It was when he was romancing me that he discovered that I am a boy. He then told me that he was going to sleep with me through my anus but I declined.”

Moshood, who goes about with a lady name of Oyinda Alarape, was arrested on Friday in Ibadan, by the men of the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps, Oyo State Command, who had earlier suspected his movement.

He told PUNCH METRO in Alesinloye, Ibadan, on Saturday that he devised the method so that his targets, mostly men, could assist him financially.

The teenager, who claimed to be an indigene of Iwo in Osun State, said he dropped out of school when he was in Junior Secondary School II and absconded from his home in Iwo to Ibadan.

He claimed he was lodging in a hotel located in Iwo Road, Ibadan, where he paid N1,000 per night.

Moshood confessed that he had at a time put up with some female students of the University of Ibadan on the campus and they did not know his true sex before he left.

His pictures as a lady also dotted his Facebook page.

At the time of his arrest, his hair was braided and a lady’s handbag recovered from him was full of items such as powder, lady’s sandals, toiletries and condom among others.

The state commandant of the NSCDC, Mr. Bello Paiko, told our correspondent he would invite Moshood’s father and hand his son over to him.

Paiko added that if the father was not favourably disposed to the arrangement, he would hand him over to social workers with the aim of reforming him.

“But the first thing I am going to do is to take him to a barbing salon to cut that hair of his,” the NSCDC boss added.
Source: Punch

Pls type Oyinda Alarape on facebook to see his pictures...unbelievable!

Style Star...


From top left, Omowunmi Akinnifessi, ex-miss Nigeria, Ene Lawani, Ugonna Omeruo of House of Nwocha, and a lady whose name I don't know. Was just fascinated with the length of her keep Lagos clean jeans..:-) I used to wear jeans like this. Is it back in fashion?

Pics thanks to Maestromedia

TY Bello performs live on stage for the first time in years

After years of refusing to perform her songs live on stage (for reason she's never made public), singer and photographer, TY Bello took to the stage to perform for the first time as a solo artist at the Lunch With President Goodluck pre-inauguration ceremony that took place last week Tuesday, May 24, 2011. She also performed yesterday at the president's inauguration.

I hear the last time she performed on stage was as a member of KUSH back in 2004. After 7 years, she's back. Glad she had a change of heart. She's a fantastic singer!

Four killed, 20 injured in Bauchi bomb blasts

No fewer than four persons were killed while 20 others were injured in three bomb blasts inside an army barracks in Bauchi on Sunday. No group had claimed responsibility for the attack which occured in a Mammy Market inside the barracks around 8p.m, according to AFP.

The Bauchi State Commissioner of Police, Mr. Mr. Abdulkadir Indabawa, told AFP that four bodies had been recovered while 20 were injured. - Punch

dimanche 29 mai 2011

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez pictured doing 'bad bad things'..:-)

Hope this is not kiddie porn, 'cos Justin is only 17. See him grabbing ass and everything...he's probably still a virgin. All dis one na

Growing Up Naija: Trading Insults

Check out more of Growing Up Naija videos on Youtube

Meet the Jonathans, Nigeria's first family

This Day Style profiles Nigeria's first family, the Jonathans. The boy looks like his dad...

Nigeria's First Lady like you've never seen her before

Yes, that is Patience Jonathan, in today's This Day Style magazine

Paul Samuel, SSII pupil, stabbed by Landlord

An SSII pupil of the Millennium Secondary School, Egbeda, Lagos, Paul Samuel, has been allegedly stabbed by his 35-year-old landlord, Olabode Ajayi. This is because he allegedly mediated in a dispute between his sister and Ajayi. The case, which is before an Ikeja Magistrate’s Court, is said to have Samuel as an accused person; something the family calls an anomaly that was done by the police.

The incident, which took place at No. 20 Oloye Street, Ejigbo Road, Shasha, occurred on March 26. An elder brother to Samuel, Ebong Everbless, told CRIME DIGEST that this would not be the first time Ajayi would be involved in an incident like this.

Everbless, who makes a living as a computer operator, said he was at his work place that Saturday morning when he got a call from his sister that Samuel had been wounded, prompting him to rush back home.

“I have lived in that house for three years now and my siblings live with me. That very morning, my sister Faith was at the backyard washing some clothes when Ajayi showed up with a cutlass and started making threats. He went to the clothes line and took off all the clothes my sister had washed and threw them on the ground. When my sister started shouting, Samuel who was inside, rushed out of the house to his sister’s aid,” Everbless said.

Samuel’s action was said not to have gone down well with Ajayi who allegedly asked him if he wanted to die. Everbless said, “When Ajayi said that, Samuel turned to go back into the house only for Ajayi to hit him on the scapula with a cutlass.” Samuel was immediately rushed to the hospital by his siblings and other neighbours.

“I rushed home immediately I got the call and met Ajayi sitting outside; he did not say a word to me. I too did not talk to him and instead went to the Shasha Medical Centre, where Samuel had been taken too. It was after that I went to the Afonka Police Station Shasha to make a report,” Everbless said.

At the police station, while Everbless made his compliant, he saw Ajayi being walked in by a policeman. “I told the lady attending to me that Ajayi was the person I had come to complain about. Another brother of mine had come earlier to lodge a complaint and Ajayi was being arrested.” Unfortunately for Everbless, the police did not work as he expected. “I was shocked to see Ajayi back home some hours later and when it was obvious justice wasn’t forthcoming, I went to the Area G command Ogba to lodge another complaint.

Ajayi was rearrested, but released a week later on April 3, Everbless said.

“I was told by the IPO, one Corporal Bello handling the case not to make any more trouble with Ajayi; I should abandon any plan of taking the case to court. The case was eventually taken to court two days after I complained to the Area commander; an action that greatly offended Bello,” Everbless said. His insistence on pursing legal redress has now turned the tables against him. The matter was brought before the Ikeja family court on the 14th of April but instead of a case of assault, the Bello had filed a case of affray in court and joined Ajayi, Samuel and Faith, as accused persons.

“I was warned that I would regret my decision and Bello made good his threat. On the day of the arraignment, imagine my surprise when I looked into the court and saw Faith and Samuel crying. I was outside and did not know that my siblings were now accused persons and were to be remanded in Kirikiri until their bail conditions had been met. Before my eyes, Faith was handcuffed,” Everbless recalled. With his lawyer unavailable, Everbless despondently left the court premises. “I didn’t know what to do, I was confused. I was still on the road when the Bello called me and said I should come and pick Samuel from the Area G command. It was later I learnt that Samuel was rejected by the prison warden that accompanied the Black Maria” Everbless explained. Being under aged, Samuel was to have been taken to a remand home but when the prison warden saw his swollen arm, he immediately rejected the boy. “Then Samuel’s right arm was so swollen, he couldn’t wear a shirt. When the warden saw the wound on his shoulder, he ordered the Bello to take Samuel back,” Everbless said. Ajayi is currently said to be remanded at the Kirikiri prison.

“Samuel has suffered both physically and emotionally. He is still unable to use his right hand as a result of that assault. Although he went back to school and tried to write his second term exams soon after the incident, he has since been unable to go back because of his hand,” Everbless lamented.

On his part, Samuel could barely speak to CRIME DIGEST; it seemed all his strength was geared towards enduring the pain he lives with. His right hand hung by his side stiff in a stiff position while he bore his neck stiffly too.

A source at the Ikeja Family Court told CRIME DIGEST that a witness summons had been ordered for Bello as he did not turn up for the last hearing on May 23. “The magistrate cancelled the bail that had been set for Samuel when his lawyer presented the facts. The court has directed Samuel to receive medical attention from LASUTH. The case has been adjourned to June 27 and the matter referred to the Directorate for Public Prosecution,” the source said.

The Lagos State Police Public Relations Officer, DSP Samuel Jinadu, however said the story brought before the police was a case of affray. “Samuel and Ajayi were both charged with affray; both parties were involved in a fight,” Jinadu said.

Source: Punch

Asa set to perfrom at Indigo02 in London

Asa will be performing live at Indigo02 in Londonon June 5, 2011. She will be performing songs from her two albums, the self titled debut, Asa and her sophomore, Beautiful Imperfection. Yolanda Brown, a British jazz urban contemporary saxophonist and composer will open the show.

"I got a husband along with beauty crown" - Anita Uwagbale Iseghohi

"My crown brought me a lot of good things. It taught me a lot. You basically grow up in that one year because you mix with people older than you. And if you are someone that learns, you would learn from them. But the best gift my crown brought to me was my husband. I met him in the course of the reign"- ex-MBGN, Anita Uwagbale Iseghohi to a Sun reporter on the benefits of winning a beauty pageant.

26 people die, 27 cars burnt in horrific road accident in Ibadan

Crowd at the scene
It was an ugly sight at Aduloju community along Iwo-Road, Ojoo expressway in Ibadan, the Oyo State capital on Friday May 26, as a nursing mother and 25 other people were burnt beyond recognition following a fatal motor accident involving a tanker fully loaded with petroleum product.

Also, at least 27 vehicles and equipment worth several millions of naira were burnt during the ugly incident described by many as the worst in recent times in the state.
The inferno, which spread up to about 100 metres, also affected about eight buildings including a church around the area.

The unfortunate incident, Saturday Sun learnt, occurred around 10:30 am when the tanker driver, in an effort to avoid a collision with an 18-seater bus, ran into a pole beside the road, thereby pouring its content which eventually led to an eruption of serious inferno.
It was further gathered that all the 18 passengers as well as eight other people, who were roadside mechanics, were also burnt to death.

A nursing mother, who was said to be selling engine oil by the road, was among those who lost their lives, while trying to save her baby who was already trapped in the raging fire.
“It was in an attempt to safe her baby from the fire that she died,” an eyewitness who was at the scene of the fire told Saturday Sun.
According to the eyewitness, several people, many of who were roadside mechanics, were seriously injured and are receiving treatment in different hospitals across the state.

Officials of the Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC) as well as men of the Nigeria Police had difficult time controlling the traffic as many motorists were trapped for several hours at the highway.
The incident, which occurred in front of a popular filling station, attracted many sympathizers, but, according to the witness, they all watched helplessly as the victims, the 26 vehicles packed within the mechanic village as well as a stationed lorry were being burnt.
A very terrible damage had been done before the officials of Oyo State Fire Service could get to the scene of the incident.
Many of the residents were already caught in fears of the fire spreading to other houses and shops.

The sympathizers, who could not, control their emotion, wept uncontrollably while also blaming the incident on the increasing number of petroleum trucks plying the road. They urged the government to rescue them from the frequent loss of lives and property at Iwo-Road /Ojoo expressway and the neighbouring communities by outlawing haulage trucks from the expressway.
Oyo State Sector Commander of the Federal Road Safety Corps, FRSC, Mr. Godwin Ogagaoghene who described the incident as very unfortunate but said his men were already in control.

Source: Gbenga Adesuyi via The Sun Newspaper

New Music: Slam - Lost Without Love. Bursting Out Soundtrack

Flooding: Lagos State Govt advises some residents in the state to relocate

Flooding in Lagos State
The Lagos State Government has warned residents of areas prone to flooding to look for alternative accommodation on higher grounds from June to January next year. The warning, according to it, is necessary because of the anticipated unusually heavy rainfall that the state is likely to witness this year.

Some of the flood prone areas where the residents have been advised to move away from are Ikosi-Ketu, Mile 12, Agiliti,Thomas Laniyan Estate and Owode Onirin, Agboyi, Owode Elede, Maidan and Isheri North Scheme.

The government’s warning is based on the prediction by the Nigerian Meteorological Agency that put this year’s rainfall at 300-1,100mm in the North and 1,200-2,700mm in the southern parts of the country. - Punch

German Police Kills Nigerian Woman

Mrs. Christy Schwundeck nee Omorodion, (pictured above) was shot and killed by the German police in Frankfurt, Germany on the 19th May 2011 and Frankfurt police say - she was shot in self defence'.

The story when you continue...

She is survived by an 11 year old daughter, Miss Jessica Omorodion, and husband, Mr. Peter Schwundeck among others.

A lady (The deceased) stabbed a policewoman with a knife in the stomach, and injured her arm as well, then comes the shot: the colleague of the policewoman shoots and the lady drops, a while later she dies in hospital.

Behind this bloody drama was stress over money between the lady who was shot and the personal of the job centre. The lady wanted her monthly allowance paid directly in cash to her and not into her bank account as is the cash. She was told it was not possible and that escalated the problem and the police was called in.
A police speaker says ''a lady customer had problems with her job and didnt want to leave the premises, she made a lot of noise and was spoiling things in sight''.

As the police came, they asked her to show her legal papers and instead of that she brought out an 11centimeter long kinfe out of her bag and tried to stab the police lady. The police lady shouts to her colleague ''be careful she has a knife!''  The lady was shot after stabbing the police lady and now the rest is history! Investigations are still on-going.

Christy Schnudeck is survived by an 11 year old daughter, Miss Jessica Omorodion, and husband, Mr. Peter Schwundeck. May she RIP

Source: Stella Dimoko Korkus

How can a man have curves like a woman?

This is 19 year old Serbian-born androgynous (neither clearly masculine nor clearly feminine in appearance) model, Andrej  Pejic, who models both men's and womenswear. Andrej is male but has the curves of a woman. Is there like any medical explanation for this?

My Story: Sweet revenge - Hell hath no fury like that of a woman scorned

Written by a reader of this blog who wants to share her story with you all. Let me officially introduce this new segment to this blog. If you have any true life stories you want to share with the rest of us, either by revealing your identity or staying anonymous, just send me an e-mail with title - My Story.
Enjoy this one...

This is a painful story. But my revenge plan was successful, so I can talk about this.
I met a wonderful man in October, 2010. We hit it off straight away. I am divorced and so is he. We communicated everyday for a month (he traveled to London a day after we met and returned a month later). Throughout our communication we fell in love and were looking forward to a serious committed relationship.
He promised to even meet my parents and ask for my hand. Yes, we were planning to get married. He promised to buy a ring in London. I was elated. Happy to have found love again. Maybe it all happened too fast and was doomed to fail, but whilst it lasted it was more passion than I had experienced in my 5 year marriage.

He did meet my parents, but didn't ask for my hand as we had discussed.  He said he wanted to finalise purchasing the house we would live in after marriage. I agreed. On the day he was to leave again for London, we planned to go on our first real date. As we were about to leave, his best friend, a woman I had never met (but had heard about), walks in and says they (my man and her) have to go to see one aunty somewhere and that I should wait for them.  I said no. That my man and I had made previous plans, but to my utter shock, my man agreed with her and they both left me alone. I got into my car and drove home. I couldn't believe it. Looking back, her body language gave her away. She was in love with him. Later on my man confirmed that she had once wanted a romantic relationship with him and he had declined.

For a few days afterwards, I didn't take his calls. I felt that he should have told her he had plans with me and kept our date.  Anyway, she calls me and says there's nothing between them and that I should take his calls. So I gave him a second chance.  He arrives from London again and he calls her to get him lunch. I am right there and telling him to tell me what he would like, and I would get the lunch. He insists that this woman knows where he buys food, etc. But during the call, she tells him to buy her lunch. So we go together and buy lunch for him and this woman. I'm furious. I stomach it.  When we got to his family house, she came straight to the table to eat food my man and I had bought, I quickly opened her pack and started eating it. She got angry and started shouting. I didn't want to shout so I just left and that was the end of that relationship.

He made no effort to try to console me or get me back. I was hurt. I had believed all his promises. But he was just too weak to tell this "bestfriend" all the plans we made. I moved on with my life and tried to forget about him.

After ignoring his call for months, I answered one day. He made new promises, but I didn't fall for them.  He said he'd give me a gift and asked me to call him the next day. I did. He evaded all my calls, until the evening when this "bestfirend" answered and said he's not available. That was the last straw. I decided to teach him a lesson he'll never forget. I reckoned that if he wants to go around telling lies and deceiving women, I will show him that I can tell lies and deceieve.

So I went to the police station. I told them that he had stolen $2000 from my office. Three police men followed me to his house. He wasn't there. They called him and told him to report to the police station. The details are rib-cracking. I knew that the next day I would tell the police that the money had been found and that it was all a huge mix up. He now starts calling me. I don't answer. The police leave his house and I go home. 20 missed calls from him. I finally answer and say: "Listen to me very carefully, the next time you open you mouth and promise any woman marriage, gifts, etc, and then run away with your bestfriend without keeping your promises, you'll think twice. I want to show you that I too can tell lies and deceive people. I can cook up allegations which will take you years to prove your innocence from. Now apologise for all the pain you caused me."

He was in shock. He said he'll report me to the police for wasting police time. I told him to tell Obama. Now, I also dealt with the best friend. Sent her a text that some boys were going to give her the beating of her life. She must have been scared after the police incident. She was calling like mad. I didn't answer. I sent her another text telling her to TEXT back a heartfelt apology for her disrespect and inconsideration. She hasn't. Actually tempted to actually send the boys.

I dropped all the charges at the police station. He's a free man. But now he will think twice before he promises any woman, anything. I got me revenge. I slept like a baby for the first time in months.

-The End -

Wow, this story get as e bi...

Samsung Mobile Sign Banky W, Sasha as Brand Ambassadors

Samsung Electronics West Africa (SEWA), a wholly owned subsidiary of Samsung Electronics Co. Mobile Division, today announced that it has signed an endorsement deal with Nigeria’s most successful R& B artistes, Banky W and Nigeria's queen of Hip-Hop Sasha as brand ambassadors.

Speaking during the photo session and media briefing to showcase the new brand ambassadors to the public, the Director, HHP (Hand Held Products), Samsung Electronics West Africa (SEWA), Mr. Fady Khatib, stated that the company recognizes the importance and impact of dynamic brand ambassadors in the country. The recent development, he noted is in synchronization with the electronics giant’s continuous brand positioning exercise aimed at maintaining its leadership position in the country.

He said the Samsung brand stands for qualities of innovation, style, resilience and excellence in performance. And these same qualities are epitomized by the brand ambassadors, whose quality and depth of work as well as versatility as musicians has made them much loved and respected personalities in Nigeria today.

"We are confident with our new brand ambassadors we will be able to widen our appeal further in the country. In fact, their choice makes perfect sense for Samsung Mobile, both strategically and as a representation of what they both encompass as musicians and role models for the Nigerian youths." He added.

“Banky W and Sasha’s blend of spirit and style, success and charm match strongly with the Samsung brand which prides itself on its innovation, style and superior products. Also, their dynamism combined with our brand expertise will help us present our products in different, innovative ways to consumers. We are indeed very proud and privileged to have them as our Brand Ambassadors.” He stressed.

As Samsung Mobile Ambassadors, Banky W and Sasha are expected to endorse the Samsung Mobile brand in all ramifications as well as make appearances at company events and activities.  

In his remarks, R&B crooner, Banky W, stated that “Samsung Mobile represents the hope for a better tomorrow given its commitment to providing quality products and services as well as the development of youths in Nigeria. I’m indeed very proud to be associated with them”.

He further reiterated "Samsung Mobile embodies so much of what I believe in since the company is dedicated to providing consumers not only with quality products but a way of life as well. Samsung Mobile is a brand that is dedicated to being a socially and environmentally responsible corporate citizen in every community where they operate around the globe. It gives me great pleasure that from today my name will be synonymous with one of World’s most famous brands."