mercredi 25 août 2010

Hubby Drags Friend To Court For Touching Wife’s Breast...:-)

A man, Mohammed Jubriel, has dragged his friend, Isa Odoh, 28, before the Ejigbo Magistrate’s Court for allegedly touching his wife’s breast. Mohamemd, 28, claimed that his friend did not only touch the breast of his 18-year old wife, Aishat, but held it.

Ha ha! Some people have time...:-)

The incident happened at Shop 10, Shopping Complex, Jakande Estate, Isolo, Lagos where Mohammed owns a shop. He disclosed that when he saw him touching his wife’s breast, he fought him and reported the incident at the Ejigbo police station.

The accused, it was learnt, confessed to the police when he was arrested that he was only playing with the woman when he went to her shop to buy an item. He denied touching her breast as claimed by the husband. He was charged to court for assault, an offence the police claimed, was contrary and punishable under Section 360 of the Criminal Code, Cap.31, Vol. 2, Laws of Lagos State of Nigeria, 2003.

He pleaded not guilty to the charge and sought to make peace with the complainant. The complainant told the court that he decided to forgive the defendant because of the Ramadan period and warned him to desist from touching his wife’s breast. The magistrate, Mrs. M.B. Folami, said that since the husband who is the complainant has written a letter to withdraw the matter, she has no option than to strike out the matter. She subsequently struck out the matter.

Source: Cyriacus Izuekwe - PM News.

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