jeudi 3 juin 2010

Items of clothing men find unattractive

I read this article written by a Liz Jones on MSN today and found it quite interesting. I want to share.

They are items of clothing women think are fashionable, but men hate.
Liz Jones wrote the article, Linda Ikeji provided the pictures.
Check it out...

Trying to impress a man? Then don't wear any of the trendy items listed below. Because according to a survey on MSN, guys just can't stand them. A lot of men say they are total turn-offs


Headbands: Men don't like anything in our hair. Period! They like to be able to run their fingers through our hair (or the weave) without impediment.


Gladiator sandals: Men simply detest these. They take ages to put on and take off. And men think they make us appear short.

Jumpsuits: Men don't like it because they make us look shapeless. A guy was quoted as saying "Jumpsuits are the ultimate in women-dressing-for-other-women. Confusing and overly clever. At best you look like a toddler, at worst, my mum in the 70's"

Leggings: Men say the problem with leggings is that there's no mystery. Every contour is revealed. Another big moan from men is that too may women wear them, no matter their shape. which means too many sausage legs.



Dungarees: Who wants a woman who resembles a builder? Or who hides her breasts and waist behind a heavy sail-cloth of hard, nasty denim? 

Oversized sunglasses: A man said "If I see a woman wearing this, I know she's hiding something. A drink problem? A lie? Besides, you can never kiss a woman wearing a pair."

Tuxedo: Men are simple creatures. They like to see our legs, arms and maybe a bit of cleavage. What they don't want is braces and shirt studs.

Men don't like Gladiator sandals? Really? Na them sabi...I loves it. I wears it.
There's nothing else on this list I wear.
But this begs the question - Should women dress to impress men?
Do we dress to impress men?
Other women perhaps? 
Or should we dress for us?
Please share your thoughts...

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