mercredi 21 octobre 2009

My marriage is solid - Ini Edo

What is your marriage status? It is rumored that your marriage is hopping on one leg and that is why you are not living in houston with your husband.
Ini "My husband appreciates the fact that I have a career. I won't say he's particularly excited when I am not around, he simply understands what I do. I don't know who's wishing me a bad marriage but I am sorry to disappoint that person. My marriage is not hopping on one leg. I have a very good marriage. Right now I'm in Houston with my husband and I haven't decided yet when I will return to Nigeria."

As an actress in public eye, you have been labelled with a lot of tags, would you want to clear the air?
"I have realised that you can't be in this kind of job without having these tags. Most people cannot differentiate between the actress and the real person. I play diverse roles in the movies, so I guess that has also affected how people see me. As for tags, I have long accepted that."

You have been figured as a bi-sexual. Is this true?
"That's absolutely ridiculous. I am not a lesbian.

Did you ever get pregnant and loose the baby?
"Very funny. I was never pregnant and I never lost a baby. I just don't know where these stories spring from. Sometimes I am even shocked at the things I read about myself."

What do you want to say to people out there that you have never gotten a chance to say?
"Hold onto your faith. Be good to others, even when all they plan against you is evil. Make sure your heart is clean and good. You will walk through every stumbling block of the devil and stand up tall in the end. I am a living testimony"

Interview in Encomium by Stella Dimoko-Korkus

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