mercredi 30 septembre 2009

A dog with human body.

Someone sent this to me. I sincerely cannot tell you how accurate the picture or story is... I personally don't believe it, but check it out and reach your own conclusions.

Dog with human body
Early this morning, a hunter, who gave his name as Mr. Ahutoyi, woke the indigenes of Badagry up with a loud cry over a strange creature he discovered while in one of his hunting expeditions that he had carried out in the last 25 years.
His finding was a strange dog in human form tending to her young ones in the thick of the forest. Unable to withstand the sight, he ran to the community and some brave youths moved the strange animal into Badagry, and thousands of Lagos and Republic of Benin residents have been trooping to a church where the animals have been kept for further investigations.
Is this a hoax or is it for real? It looks like a painting to me...what do you think?

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