vendredi 8 août 2008

Style Night 4 pictures

Lawyer, Festus Keyamo and friend

Zaaki Adzay and Elfreda Rowland

Actress Rita Dominic and Michelle Dede


Ofuneka (Big Brother Africa)

GM of LaCasera and Miss LaCasera, Itohan

MD of ClotheSence, Muyiwa Oshindero and the MC, Ejike of CoolFM

Chude Jideonwo and Emilia Asim - Ita (Future Awards)

Djinee performing

Legendary Photographer, Don Barber and a guest

Renowned hair stylist, Bobby Eke of Bobby's Signature

Obiwon on Stage with singer, Yuchi

Comedian, Omobaba, who performed at the event

Exectives from Amigos hair (one of our sponsors)

KC Presh

Toba Gold Performing

Ace journalist, Azuh Amatus and his beautiful wife

Gloria Ibru in the house

Cossy Orjiako and Zaaki Adzay

Seeing cute Segun Obe off. Some women are lucky
Will get you more pix tomorrow

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