samedi 19 juillet 2008

Why do women have sex? + Chris Brown & GUS 5 pictures

A guy told me a few hours ago, that women have sex for different reasons...none of which is just for pleasure. According to him, men have sex mostly for pleasure, while women do it for...
~Pleasing their men
~Duty as a wife
~Material gains
~Because their friends are doing it

That's why men PAY for sex and women DON"T!
We don't have sex for pleasure? (Bo ya lo
And Women don't pay for sex???
Hmmmm...what has anyone got to say about this?

Meanwhile here are pictures from Gulder Ultimate Search 5, currently filming in Enugu...

It's stale but still FAB. Chris Brown at the THISDAY Concert.

Chris Brown and his boo, Rihanna

Photo credit: Bossip

Photos of the day
Singer, 9ice, at his wedding to Toni Payne on Thursday
Pix thanks to fab blogger bellanaija
Rihanna's tattoos? You like?
I'm gone. See y'all later

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