lundi 16 juin 2008

My dress: flashy or trashy?

Hi people, what's going on? I want to report my parents to you guys
See, I'm 27 years old, a graduate, almost 10years modeling experience, I run a company, I publish a magazine, I employ people, I pay salaries! Some people call me madam
I'm a big girl right? RIGHT!
But then, I have to sneak out of my house to wear a dress to an event.

I was invited to Mode Men Black Night2 show that held on Saturday 14th June at Lagoon Restaurant. So I went and bought me a dress I felt was classy and sexy. My sisters loved it, but when my parents saw the friends, it was not funny o. They complained the whole day. My mum said 'You're a decent girl, but anybody who sees you now in this dress will think you're one of those's too tight, it's too short...".
Whatever I kept saying, I'm a grown ass woman, I can wear whatever I like...not in my house my mum replied. I was practically 'forbidden' to wear the dress... so I had to sneak it out of the house and dressed up at my sister's place (where this pictures were taken)
I guess you never 'grow up' to your parents.
So people, this is the dress in contention
Flashy or trashy?

See dem boobs...when I'm ready to pack dem things, I pack them well...
See y'all later with Naija ent. news
Kate&Stella, thanks for making the Modemen show a memorable one
Will bring you gist and pictures from the show later

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