lundi 6 août 2007

RMD's New Post + Residents attacked by police

Popular actor, Richard Mofe Damijo, is the new Legal Adviser to the Delta State Government. I'm sure y'all know he's a lawyer...he got a second degree in law some years back from the University of Lagos. His first degree was Theatre arts from University of Benin.

Send your congratulations to him. It's a well deserved appointment.

Also, 19 people died yesterday on the Lekki/Epe Express way, when a bus carrying passengers and a car collided. Every single person in both cars lost their lives...may their souls rest in perfect peace and may God grant their families the fortitude to bear the loss...

Meanwhile, the police are still harassing and arresting people for indecent dressing in Lagos. I thought by now this madness would have stopped, instead it's getting worse with each passing day. Now it's an offence to walk around the streets of Lagos without an ID card. Your ass will be arrested and taken to a mobile fact, there are mobile lawyers loitering the streets, waiting for any arrest so they can negotiate release and get paid...the situation is sad!

Residents attacked by police

A sadder situation happened a few days ago when the residents of Abeokuta and Freeman streets in Ebutte Metta Lagos, were attacked by Police men from the Denton Police Station. Homes were broken into, shops were destroyed, guns were fired, matchets were used on some residents and many were arrested and taking to the police station where their families had to bail them with N2 to N5 grand each. The Denton police PRO claim that the policemen had gone to the area to arrest miscreants but were attacked by the residents, smashing their windscreen and attacking them with matchets. The police men attacked had to call for back up...when the others got to the scene, they unleashed mayhem on the residents. Some of them were shown on TV, badly beaten and in need of medical attention.

The police is supposed to protect not attack it's citizens. Since Fashola's administration began...the police have been acting like animals. We can't live in fear of them...that's not the way it's supposed to be. I hope something is done about this situation soon...

Going to work....more gists coming your way later...cheers!

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