vendredi 31 août 2007

Suicide attempt + other news

I heard handsome actor, Owen Wilson tried to kill himself on Sunday August 26th 2007. He had slit his left wrist and consumed an unknown quantity or unspecified pills. He's presently recovering in a hospital in Beverly Hills. I found it hard to believe initially because he looked like a happy person to me. This got me thinking, it's not everyone you see who looks happy that is really happy. People manage to hide their innermost pain and fear and put up a brave front for the world...later you hear they killed or tried to kill themselves. Why would anyone, for whatever reasons try to kill themselves? How bad could it be? Why would you want to end it all? I'm trying to understand the kind of mentality that would allow someone think it's ok to take his/her life...what kind of pain will cause such thoughts and action? I remember some years ago in Lagos when a husband and wife killed themselves via poison, because they were evicted from the one thousand and four complex on Ozumba Mbadiwe, Victoria Island, leaving their three young kids to the care of their family members. There have been a few incidents like that in some parts of Nigeria...I just can't seem to fathom such irrational behaviour. Some people, like myself, are so scared of dying, while others go out of their way to end it all? I understand homosexuality..sorta, but I don't understand suicide.

Here's a doctor's take on why people commit suicide

People attempt and sometimes commit suicide for very different reasons, many of which can be difficult to figure out or identify. In most cases, the person is feeling emotional pain that feels so bad and hurts them so much that the only thing they can think of to make it go away is to end their life.

Also most suicidal people describe their problems as being something that they don't think will get better or go away. At the same time, others feel as if they are a burden. Others feel alone or very isolated.

Still others just feel generally depressed to the point of not caring anymore. And when friends and family members can't understand or relate, or worse, criticize them for what they are feeling, that can make the person worse. I should also mention that there are many mental illnesses that can increase one's risk for suicide such as clinical depression, bipolar or manic depression and schizophrenia.

People with these conditions may do things that they wouldn't normally do. Speaking of which, alcohol and drug use also contributes to the reasons someone may attempt suicide since they can cause depression, feelings of guilt and disruptions to the persons family and life.

Anyone ever had suicidal feelings?

To other news...

Singer, Gloria Estafan will be 50 years old tomorrow September 1st 2007. Can anyone believe this diva is 50? I would have passed her up for a 40 year old. Happy birthday to the woman who sang one of my all time best songs...'Reach'

It's such a relief to hear that Toni Braxton does not have breast cancer after all. International media, over the past few days, carried unconfirmed reports of the songstress being diagnosed with breast cancer. Toni says it's not true. Thank God!

Naked Mariah Carey...who wants to see her naked? I do! She looks hot abeg!

Alicia Keys quote

“…I am not interested in guys in the industry. They are tainted,” she says with a playful hint of repulsion. “You sit back and wonder, how many women has this man slept with. and I don’t want to know. No thanks, I will never be a part of anyone’s list.”

I feel you on that one Alicia

Akon is such an evasive's an interview he granted recently...crazy guy! lol

How old are you?
I don’t know how old I am.
Nonsense. Why are you so cagey about giving your age?
I don’t understand the importance. But I’ve been blessed to look young for a long time. My pops is 77 years old. You wouldn’t believe it; he looks like he’s in his mid-40s.

Does your wife know how old you are?
She has no idea.
When was your last booty call?
When I made the call? That don’t happen too often. But sometimes I’ll schedule a booty call on Saturday for Monday.

So it’s up to the ladies to call you?
With women it’s difficult, ’cause they try to hide it. They’ll call you at three in the morning like, “Hey, how was your day?”

So do you funnel all that energy into sex?
I have to control myself around women. That’s my only addiction. I used to chase it, but fame has changed a lot.Who says no to you now?I ain’t got a no in a long time.
Do you have any kids?
Four boys and one girl. The oldest is 11, and the youngest is 7 weeks.
How many babymamas?

And how many wives? People say you have more than one.
That’s me playing with the media again! Just one wife.

Is she OK with you being unfaithful to her?
From my angle, things just happen. She’s confident enough to know that I’m not going anywhere.
When was the last time you wanted to kill someone?
When I was locked up. A guy was being really disrespectful, so I had to knock him out. He fell and looked dead, and that scared the hell out of me.

Do you remember your first experience with alcohol?
Never drank, never smoked.

Why not?
I’m Muslim, but really, I never understood the concept of getting high. I like to be in control of my own mind and my own destiny.

What’s the best advice your parents ever gave you?
“Stay out of trouble.”

You didn’t take that advice!
I know! But I live by it now.

Even when you lifted a fan over your head and threw him offstage in June?
That was all in fun.
It wasn’t fun for the guy you threw! Or the people he landed on.
Yeah, I know. That was an accident — they weren’t supposed to be there.
Fun and crazy guy!

Princess Diana's tenth year anniversary

Princess Diana died exactly 10 years today in a car accident in France...

What a beautiful woman. What a loss!
By the way, is rapper Talib Kweli a South African or an American?
And who has seen Talib's newest video where he was gesticulation with his hands? That's the doppest video right now...creativity at it's finest I say...go check out that video.
Do drop a line. Cheers and have a fab weekend!

The world's best brand of electronics is?

What's the world's best electronics? LG, Sony or Sharp?




Let's know what you think and tell us why you picked a particular brand.

mercredi 29 août 2007

Family Values

So I have these cousins who were born in the village. Their parents brought them back to Lagos when they were 6, 5 and 3, and they've been living in Lagos since then but the irony of it all is that these cousins of mine can neither speak Igbo which is their native language nor the Yoruba language, where they grew up. All they can speak is English...weird right? Considering that they were born in their village.

My sisters and I were all born in Lagos, and we hardly visit the village, but we speak Igbo fluently because that was the language our parents spoke with us...we have never conversed in English with my parents.

So my question is this: those of you who live abroad and have started a family, how do you ensure that your children understand and can speak their native language?

mardi 28 août 2007

My best friend's wedding + Personalities + Naija Entertainment news

My best friend's wedding.
I met him in 2003. I don't think any man has loved me half as much as he did...he was always there for me everytime I needed him, he waited for three years, hoping I'd give us a chance to be together but I never did. He was sweet, gentle, caring and my best friend...he always knew what to say to make me smile, he was good to me and even though I was with someone else, he was hopeful, praying, waiting. I remember one day last year, he looked at me and said I'll make you happy, give me a chance, I deserve you...I only laughed and I saw the hurt in his eyes...I was inlove with someone else then so it didn't matter. HE waited for THREE years and I never gave him a chance...not once!

So last month, after my break up, I went looking for him...but guess what? He was already engaged...he was tired of waiting, of hoping, of hurting. And he finally met a woman more sensible than me, a woman who saw the great guy he is, a lucky woman.

I got to my senses but it was too late...too late. My best friend is getting married in November. It's still hard to believe, I guess I always thought he would always be never know what you have until you loose it. November should have been u and I, or maybe it should have been back in 2004 when you first asked my dad for my hand in marriage and I got angry with you for going behind my back? How could I have been so stupid? Sometimes, I wish I could turn back the hands of time and do it all over again...but I can't. My only promise is that I won't even consider getting married until I meet a man half the man you are. Congrats to you G. All the best!


Allison Hinds was born 1 June 1970, and is based in the Caribbean island of Barbados.
She is one of the most popular soca singers in the world and has unofficially been given the nickname the "Queen of Soca". Currently Allison Hinds lives with her family, husband Edward Walcott and daughter Saharan (born May 4th, 2004), on a privately owned horse farm, which her husband manages, in Barbados. She has her own band, "The Allison Hinds Show". This band was formed in 2005 when Hinds returned to the soca scene with the hit song "Roll It Gyal" which is an anthem for young women and encourages them to have pride in themselves. I love that song and thought to pay tribute to her.

Introducing Kaysha

Hip hop/Zouk artist Kaysha is the stage name of Edward Mokolo Jr (born January 22, 1974 in Kinshasa). One of the most eclectic rappers and producers to work on places like the West indies, South America and Africa. He was born in Democratic Republic of Congo but immigrated to France with his parents at the age of seven. Kaysha is very well known for his first hit single which uses a sample from West Indian band Kassav's Oulé in a song called "Bounce Baby", which introduced him to fans all over the world.
Kaysha's first two hits were "Telephone" and "Bounce baby" from his album I'm Ready. The next year, he changed his whole style to record a more urban album called Worldwidechic with a duo with Wu Tang Clan's Killah Priest. His latest hit to date is "On dit quoi", a huge hit all around Africa, from his latest album It's All Love, released in his own label Sushiraw.
Kaysha is also a successful music producer.
He won a Kora award for best African Artist in 2000. He won a Kora award for best African Artist of the Diaspora in 2004. He was also nominated as African artist of the year at the 2006 MTV awards. He's so cute! Who likes Kaysha?

Entertainment Gists

Peter Igbinedion looses wife
The wife of Peter Igbinedion, younger brother to former Edo State Governor, Eva Maria Uzonwanne, is dead. She died on Saturday August 18th 2007 at the age 47. The mother of four has already been buried. May her soul rest in peace.

Joseph Yobo just completed a N100 million property he's been working on for some time now. The property is sited on one of the most popular streets in highbrow Victoria Garden City, Lagos. N100 million really?

Soul E and wife, Ure banned from church
Seriously I don't know how true this is, but they say that singer, Soul e and his pregnant wife, Ure Ukezie have been banned from their church, Household of God, where they met and fell in love, by the the head pastor, Chris Okotie. His reason being that he advised the couple not to get married because of the age difference, but they did! Soul e denies being banned, saying he left voluntarily.

I'll give you more gists later, got to get back to work. Cheers!

lundi 27 août 2007

Personality: Dr Alban turns 50

Nigerian-born, Sweden-based singer, Dr. Alban turned 50 years old on Sunday August 26th. Alban Nwapa was born in Enugu, Nigeria in 1957. He is a musician and a producer with his own record label, dr-records. His music can best be described as a Eurodance/hip-hop reggae with a dancehall style

At age 23, he began studying odontology. In order to be able to finance his university studies the music-loving odontology student started making his own music. During this time Alban worked as a DJ in the well-known Stockholm club 'Alphabet Street'. Very quickly his name became widely known, especially since Alban often sang to the records he put on the turntable as a DJ. DJ René couldn't help but notice him and so he was discovered. Alban finished his studies and even opened his own dentistry practice, keeping his disk jockeying as a lucrative sideline. He worked as a dentist for three years.

In 1990, he met Denniz PoP from the SweMix label. Alban laid aside his dentist's drill and realised his dream. Together with Denniz and Rap-Queen Leila K, his first record, "Hello Africa" - his declaration of love for his African home - broke all records. Alban Nwapa took the stage name Dr. Alban, a nod to his dental studies. His debut album Hello Africa sold roughly 1 million copies world-wide.

One year later this success was surpassed by the second album One Love. 1.6 million singles of the song "It's My Life" were sold. It was #1 in the Netherlands, Israel and Germany and #2 in the UK. The following single "One Love" was #5 in Israel. The album immediately sold over 1.7 million units. Then followed the albums Look Who's Talking and Born In Africa. All in all, Dr. Alban has racked up world-wide sales of over 5 million albums and over 6 million singles, which resulted in 7 times Silver, 30 times Gold and 30 times Platinum. His hit single "No Coke" was used to illustrate an anti-drugs campaign in Sweden. The single "Sing Hallelujah" reached #5 in Israel.

He is the cousin to Charly Boy! And he has a daughter.
He is the coolest guy in the world! Happy fiftieth birthday to you Alban. Kisses!

Random Gist

I did it, I did it, I did it! So yesterday, I shot the first and second episode of my TV didn't go as smoothly as I'd hoped but we managed to get it done...I'll get you pictures of what went down. !

Meanwhile, the girl in the middle, Ashley Abanum, was the winner of the first episode and another model called Yewande won the second episode...will load pix later

Be there!

And here's introducing 19 year old Mulenga Mubanga, a young Zambian Model taking the modeling industry by storm

Age 19, hip 89cm, height 1.76m, bust 84m, waist 61cm, shoe size 8
Check out her website at,

Here are pictures from the Nigerian Fashion week courtesy

The organiser, Lexxy Mojo Eyes

I hope they keep this up

And here's introducing Ndu

Introducing one of Canada's best kept secrets, Ndu and the release of his album, the TWILIGHT. Canada's/Nigeria's own independent hip hop artist NDU's latest release features hard hitting and lyrically rich tracks such as "Coming for the Crown" "Turn Me Up" "Everyday Thang" "Lil Poetry" etc.

The Twilight was produced by Ndu himself and Canadian Producer Andrew Mackay. The Track "Lil Poetry" has Ndu ripping the mic like a hungry new comer and showcases a man of wide ranging tastes. Ndu's jazzy tunes and great lyrical component leaves the crowd screaming for more.

"Ndu" which means "LIFE" in the Igbo Language, is known for his diverse lyrical style, intelligent rhymes and stage presence and is sure to bring LIFE into the entertainment industry.

His style has been influenced by wide range of artists such as Fela, Nas, Tu-Pac, Erykah Badu Notorious BIG and more.

Ndu has performed in numerous events including the Nigerian Award Show Event in Canada, Ndu's great talent has generated a buzz in Canada's underground hip hop scene.

Performing at the Lloyd banks concer

Fela Anikulapo Kuti death anniversary press release
This year marks the 10th year anniversary of the death of the founder of Afro beat, Fela Kuti and it is being celebrated in his homecountry, Nigeria in a very big way. Poet, Philosopher, Rebel, King,Fela meant a lot of things to different people and was a man of thepeople. This event will celebrate his music, his life, and all themany truths he shared with his fans in his music and his life.While there are several events planned around the world, by variousorganizations, to mark the 10-year anniversary of Fela's death,FELABRATION 10 will be the only one taking place in Nigeria, at theShrine in Lagos (Fela's spiritual home) and hosted by the Kuti family.FELABRATION will be the only authentic, all-encompassing event to markthe life and death of one of the world?s truly original artists. The event which has been tagged "FELABRATION 10" is a 5-daycelebration of Fela's life, music and spirit holds from the 9th-16thof October 2007. The events scheduled include:? Tue October 9th: World Movie Premiere of the previously unreleasedspecial movie of Fela ?Shuffering and Shmiling? and Kick Off Partyfeaturing celebrity DJ, Koffi? Wed October10th: Ladies Night. A day dedicated to the ladies tocelebrate Fela featuring special performances by frontline Nigerianfemale artists such as Zeal, Sasha, Niyola, Asa and many more.? Thursday October 11th: Classics and Yabis night featuring Veteranartists like Fatai Rolling Dollars and Victor Olaiya with acecomedians, Basket Mouth, Tee A and Julius Agwu handling the Yabisspecial. (Don?t forget Baba inspired most of the frontline comediansas a grand Yabis Master himself)? Friday October12th: Fela is Hip Hop featuring International hip hopartist, Nas as well as top Nigerian hip hop stars such as Mode 9,Ikechukwu, Naeto C, Thoroughbreds and Lord of Ajasa have already beenconfirmed to celebrate Fela, the hip hop way! (More to come)? Saturday October 13th: Block Party. All roads lead to the Shrine fora Street Party featuring Damian Marley and most of the big names inNigeria?s music industry.? Sunday October 14th: Fashion for Fela by award winning designer,Deola Sagoe featuring International models Oluchi, Agbani and Nnennaamongst many others. This will be followed by special performances byFemi and Seun Kuti.? Monday October 15th: All day Free feeding at the Shrine by theUnited Nations World Food Project (UNWFP)? Tuesday October 16th: Music Business Conference. The conference willbe held in honor of Fela with an aim to elevate the Nigerian musicindustry. The event will join major businesses, major players in theindustry as well as International resource people. Issues such aspiracy, distribution, broadcast, new technologies, internationalmarkets, regional markets, corporate support, the power of music to drive youth marketing and brands will be dealt with.

And here's the Koko master, D'banj, at a concert in the US

That's all for today, will see you later. Ciao!

vendredi 24 août 2007

Naija Entertainment gist + Advert pix

Sorry my blogging has been crazy this week...incredibly busy schedule. I directed and produced a TV commercial that featured 10 models...e no easy, been trying to put that together all week. And also preparing for the shoot of the first 2 episodes of my TV show, which will happen this Sunday August 26th at Philip Trimnell's studio, 2, Owolewa street, off randle Avenue surulere, at 9am prompt. If you want to be part of the audience, please join us.

Here are some Naija gists for y'all. Sorry about the lack of pix...enjoy!

NB Plc has compensated the family of drowning victim, Anthony Mudiaga, with the sum of 20 million naira and also foot the bill for his burial. Anthony was buried last weekend. He was the only son of his parents. Sad way to go...but God knows best.

Top comedian, AY is planning a TV show dubbed the AY will soon hit your TV screens

Actress, Maureen Solomon, gave birth to her second baby some days back. Mother and child are said to be doing great.

Actress Clarion Chukwura quote on ex-hubby
Question 'Your ex-husband Femi Oduneye said in an interview that he dumped you because of your evil ways. What's your reaction to that?'
Clarion "If Femi Oduneye dumped Clarion Chukwura because of her evil ways, who is Femi Oduneye? Where is Clarion Chukwura now? Who was Femi Oduneye before he met Clarion and where is he now? The first publication about me was a month after my 16th birthday, so I have been in the public glare since then. Nigerians can trace my record. Investigate slightly into wwho Femi Oduneye is, then you'll know who's telling the truth. Of course I smoke cigarettes, but he smokes more than I do. When a man is a failure, he searches for excuses. I was actually the eight woman Femi would do what he did to me...."

They say Chinedu Ikedieze aka Aki, has found love again. This time it's a 23 year old Lagos State university undergraduate, Nancy Chiedozie. The two were said to have met at a function some months back and have since remained inseperable. Hope this one works out for him.

Pastor Chris Okotie's driver was hacked to pieces some days back by a hit and run driver. Abayomi Famakinwa was killed along Oba Akran road in Ogba Ikeja Lagos on August 14th. His messed up corpse had his brain opened, one leg off, face shattered. It was the ID card on him that led to his being identified. May his soul rest in peace.

Stephanie Okereke quote on ex-hubby
"This is someone I had something with. I don't want to say anything negative about him. We are done. The only thing I heard about myself is that I was accused of being married before. I felt that was really malicious of him, to even come up with something like that. He was actually the one who was married before. Because I said I don't want to be in this relationship anymore, I turned out to be this horrible person? Also the allegation that I called a club and cancelled his contract is false. I didn't know I had such powers. It was actually funny, he claimed to have gone for trial, so how come the club didn't deem it fit to pick him then? There's no hope of a reconciation, I've filed for divorce but am not allowed to talk about it"

On her drug addiction rumour
"The rumour shows how myopic some people can be. I've never smoked cigarette in my life, I don't drink. If they manufactured all this lies to bring me down, too bad because they can never bring me down. I've been through a lot of things. I survived an accident, I survived a bad relationship and I'm still doing positive things in my life. If they are plotting all these evil things against me, shame on them"

Music producer turned singer, Seyi Allen, has formally launched his album titled 'The confirmation of Seyi Allen'. It was launched on August 21st 07, and I hear the album is off the hook. For those who don't, Seyi is the husband of beautiful singer, Azeezat.

Crack your ribs is coming to London on Sunday August 26th at The Coronet. It will feature Sammie Okposo, Okey Bakassi, African China, Gbenga Adeyinka, Gandoki, Wale Gate, and Rugged man. Gate is 20 and 30 pounds.

Advert pictures

Linda the make-up artiste
Here are some pictures taken yesterday from the shoot of FM&B magazine TV advert. I ain't telling the concept of the advert, y'all will see it when it's ready. So keep your fingers crossed. Wink!

And here are some personal pics of me at the shoot
I fine small abi? lol

That's all for now, will see y'all soon. Wienna and co missing me, miss you more.
Whoever you are, wherever you may be, never give up on your dreams, no matter how difficult it is, keep fighting and keep praying. And never let anyone tell you you can't do can! Just believe in yourself! May God reward your hard work with success...amen!

Take care and wish me luck for tomorrow. Ciao!

mercredi 22 août 2007

Just to say hi + Relation Question!

I can't believe I haven't blogged since Saturday...for those wondering what's up with me, I'm still alive, I'm well, I'm doing great! Just damn busy! I've been coming home from work too late at night and too tired to sit in front of a computer and blog.

TV production isn't the easiest job to do...what! I've been jumping from one meeting to the other, trying to get everything set right for Sunday. 'Catwalk wit Linda' shoot has been postponed to Sunday August 26th @ Philip Trimnell Studio, 2, Owolewa street. off Randle Avenue, Surulere, time: 9am. We had to postphone because some of the judges were not available for Friday, our set wasn't ready, but mostly because I forgot to write a script for the programme. Who forgets they need a script for the shoot of any programme? Linda needs to get laid slapped! lol

I'll get pictures of everything you need to see about our production and the Magazine TV advert, which will be shot on Friday with the girls...thanks to all those who gave us creative ideas.

Just wanted to say hi to everyone, will get back to regular blogging after sunday.

Relationship question: If you break up with a fiancee, should you return the engagement ring? especially if the ring is very expensive?

Someone wants to share your thoughts!

Kisses and take care!

samedi 18 août 2007

Days that shook Nigeria

I did this post sometime in February this year...long before most of you discovered my thought to repeat it 'cos I'm sure most of y'all haven't seen this. This was one week of research work and if you type on google, this will probably be the only place to find an article like this.

I call it 'Days That Shook Nigeria'

There were days in the history of our beloved country that something happened to affect the lives of every Nigerian. Days that will forever remain etched in our memories, because the events that took place on those days were either painful, bittersweet, great but all unforgetable. Some of us weren't born when some of these events occured but we know it like we were there, because their stories have been told over and over again. Those days shook the very foundation on which our nation is built on. Some of these days changed the destiny of our nation.

Below is a list, with pictures, of days that shook Nigeria

Ikejia Bomb Blast. Dark Sunday as it popularly called, is a day that will forever remain etched in our memory. That was the day so many young children lost their lives. Lagosians were thrown into a state of confusion and pandemonium on January 27, 2002, as several bombs exploded at Ikeja military cantonment. Over 600 people lost their lives trying to scape from what they didn't know.

Bellview plane crash. Sunday Oct 23rd was a dark Sunday for most Nigerians. Not only did we loose our First Lady, we also lost 117 people on the ill-fated Bellview Plane that crashed near the village of Lissa, about 30 km (20 miles) north of Lagos, three minutes after take-off, killing everyone on board. The plane was headed to the Nigerian capital of Abuja from Lagos when it crashed. The plane was missing for hours before the wreckage was found shortly after dawn. There have been a few plane crashes in Nigeria in the last two years but I choose this particular crash because no victim of that crash was found. The plane had buried the passengers down, deep into the earth. A sad way to go.

MKO Abiola's death
Every Nigerian can remember exactly where they were when Abiola was reported to have died of a heart attack on Tuesday July 7, 1998 after falling ill during a meeting with a visiting U.S. delegation. Abiola was the apparent winner of the 1993 presidential elections that were canceled by the military. He was jailed the following year and accused of treason by dictator Gen. Sani Abacha.

His sudden death drew anger and disbelief, as a lot of people believed he would soon be freed from incarceration following Abacha's death. The days following Abiola's death was that of mayhem and destruction. Staunch Abiola supporters went to the streets, destroying lives and properties. It was a terrible period.

Biafra War. On May 30, 1967 following nationwide disturbances, the government of the then Eastern region, headed by Lt. Col. Emeka Odumegwu-Ojukwu, broke away from the Federal Republic of Nigeria by declaring the Eastern Region of Nigeria the Republic ofBiafra. The Federal Government declared this move a rebellion and decided to nullify it. This led to the 30 months civil war which ended in victory for the Federal Government on January 12, 1970.

1994 African Cup of Nations
The 1994, the 19th edition of the African Cup of Nations was hosted by Tunisia. On April 10th, the finals was played between Nigeria and Zambia. Nigeria won 2-1. Nigeria went crazy. We celebrated like we had never done befoe. It was a day that brought us closer as a people. A day that made us forget our problems. A day that every Nigerian can say that they were truly happy.

The war on Odi
This incident also known as the Odi tragedy happened on November 20, 1999. On this date, the federal government of Nigeria in a swift move to track down some irate youths who had earlier in November 1999 alleged to have kidnapped and killed twelve policemen, declared a state of emergency on Odi community after a 14-day ultimatum that was yet to expire. On November 20, thousands of combined military personnel invaded the community and unleashed a heavy bombardment by artillery, air craft, grenade launchers, mortar bombs and other sophisticated weapons in replication of a typical invasion of an enemy territory in real warfare. The military invasion of the Odi community resulted in the loss of lives, properties were looted and virtually all the infrastructure in the community was either destroyed or torched. Many citizens of Odi who were lucky to be alive were bundled aboard trucks and taken to military barracks in Elele in Port Harcourt and Warri as prisoners of war. By the time the soldiers were eventually evacuated and replaced with men of the Nigerian police, Odi was in ruins. That was a day a lot of Nigerians wil never forget.

The execution of Ken Saro Wiwa
Ken Saro Wiwa was a Nigerian author, television producer, and environmental activist and President, of the Movement for the Survival of the Ogoni People (MOSOP), In May 1994, he was arrested and accused of incitement to murder following the deaths of four Ogoni elders. Saro-Wiwa denied the charges, but was imprisoned for over a year before being found guilty and sentenced to death by a specially convened tribunal, during which nearly all of the defendants' lawyers resigned in protest to the trial's cynical rigging by the Abacha regime. Very few observers were surprised when the tribunal declared a "guilty" verdict, but most were shocked that the penalty would be death by hanging for all nine defendants. However, many were skeptical that the executions would actually occur, as the Nigerian government would face international outrage and possible sanctions and other legal action should the penalties be carried out. But on November 10, 1995, Saro-Wiwa and eight other MOSOP leaders (the "Ogoni Nine") were executed by hanging at the hands of military personnel. According to most accounts, Ken was the last person to be hanged and thus forced to watch the death of his colleagues. It was a day that threw Nigerians into shock and thousands were seen crying openly

Aba women riot
This was touched off by the imposition of direct taxation and the introduction of new local courts and especially of warrant chiefs. Ten thousand women rioted and the demonstrations swept through the Owerri-Calabar districts.The women attacked three specific targets:The Native Courts, all European-owned factories and warrant chiefs from Native Courts where sessions were in progress. One warrant chief was pushed of his bicycle, his gun was taken away and the women chased him into the bush. The British then decided to use force to restore law and order and over 32 women, including the leader died. This effectively ended the Warrant Chief system. It is an unforgetable day in the history of Nigeria.

The death of Sani Abacha
Abacha died while in the company of two Indian prostitutes. Though the official cause of his death was a heart attack, according to a widely held belief amongst Nigerians and Western diplomats he overdosed on Viagra or Burantashi, on June 8th, 1998. Almost every Nigerian can remember where they were when they heard the 'happy' news. Market women went into the streets singing and dancing. Nigerians were happy to hear of his death. There was even a story that went around at the time that armed-robbers didn't operate for a while in celebration of the death of Nigeria's most hated leader of all time

The death of Stella Obasanjo. Very early in the morning of Sunday 23 October 2005, it was announced live that our beloved First Lady and mother of the nation, Chief Mrs Stella Obasanjo had passed on after under-going cosmetic surgery. It turned to a sour day for most Nigerians because no one expected such a vibrant, kindhearted and beautiful woman to pass on when she did. She was loved by most and her untimely death at the age of 59, caused alot of pain for Nigerians

1966 Military coup
On January 15, 1966, some members of the Armed Forces of Nigeria toppled the Civilian Government in a miliary coup. Alot of top Nigerian government officials lost their lives, including the then Prime Minister, Tafawa Balewa. The coup was led by Major Patrick Chukwuma Kaduna Nzeogwu. Major-general Aguiyi Ironsi emerged the Head of State and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces after the coup and was later arrested and executed.

Atlanta '96
August 3rd 1996 was a day alot of Nigerians will never forget. It was the day that enemies became friends, drinks were freely given, landlords forgot their rent money, bank MD's embraced their drivers, Monarchs kissed their boy-in-waiting, police and thieves shook hands. It was a day a nation jubilated and celebrated like never seen before in our history. Every Nigerian felt like a winner. The under-23 soccer team, led by Kanu Nwankwu put Nigeria in the world map by winning and making us the first African country to win the gold medal in a football event at the olympics

The visit of Pope John Paul II
March 22 1998, was a historic moment for Nigerians. As that was the day Pope John Paul II visited Nigeria for the second time. The first time being in 1982. His visit threw Nigerians into a celebatory mood.

Agbani Darego becoming Miss World
On Novenber 16 2001, a nineteen year old girl single handedly put Nigeria on the world map by winning the 2001 Miss World pageant in South Africa, beating 92 other girls and setting a world record as the first black African Miss World. It was a day Nigerians openly celebrated and every one felt proud to call themselves Nigerians

There was also the 1976 Dimka coup plot that resulted in the death of General Murtala Mohammed, the then head of state.

These are some of the days I can remember that shook Nigeria. What days do you remember? What event shook you the most?