vendredi 4 mai 2007

Got Ya! + Linda Ikeji Pictures

Got y'all!!! I played a trick on you abiti baba lol.

I'm so so sorry for being so so naughty. My 'I won't be blogging for a while' was just a joke. And everyone bought it...hey yah!!! Make una no vex abeg, I was just playing...see all the loving comments I got. I even got a comment from Nigeria Politricks, he's never left a comment on my blog before, that was an achievement. Set and Lurlar, I deleted your comments by mistake, with the way I'm craving for comments, loosing two was very very painful...but I saw your comments and I appreciate it.

Sweethearts, Linda ain't going nowhere, I'm here to stay. This is what I love doing, and I'll keep doing till I can't do it anymore.

I was just teasing, people. I actually wanted to achieve two things, tease you and have so many people pray for me. You put me in your prayers, tell the truth, tell the I've been laughing all day I'm sorry you guys, I told y'all I was a little crazy abi?

I even got an email from someone who said he almost had a heart attack when he read I won't be blogging for a while. The silly nice man has never dropped a comment...what happened to that heart attack? Just kidding sweets.

But seriously am I a genius or what? lol. I hope I am the first blogger to play this trick. Any other blogger done this before? Yes? No? I'm sorry if I got some of you worried. I know there are a few of you out there who care about me even though you do not know me. I promise I will won't do this again.

To compensate y'all, I've posted 35 of my modeling pictures. I'm sure some of you don't know I was one of the top models in Nigeria in my time. I started modeling at age 17 in 1998 and quit in 2005.

I modelled for every designer who was actively involved in the Nigerian fashion industry. I travelled to all parts of Nigeria and some West African countries for shows. I featured in several calendars, billboards and TV Commercials. I miss those days.

60% percent of my pictures are gone. Either through journalists who did interviews, took pictures and never returned them, or friends who took them when I wasn't watching. I also lost so many memorable pictures when my album was beaten by rain, but I was able to salvage some.

Here are some of them, pardon the untidiness and bad quality, it all came from an almost damaged old album. If you aren't interested: SKIP. If you are: ENJOY!

My first fashion show. Silverbird International Fashion Show June 1998

Silverbird International Fashion Show 1999

For Meggitto, Nigerian Fashion Show 2000.

For Jimi Delaja, St Moritz Style Selection 2002

For Nigerian Broadcasting Commission, Abuja 2000. I'm 3rd from the left

For Regalia

For Elegance Ankara

For Tiffany Amber

With some of my models after a photosession

For Labanella

For designer, Rose of Sharon

For Rose of Sharon

For Monami, for St Moritz Style Selection 2001

For Zizi Ethnic Clothing

Nigerian Fashion show 2000, for designer Meggitto. She won that year's competition for Designer of The Year. This were the outfits that clinched her the award.

For Bijoux Boutique

For one of Nigeria's most successful designers, Mudi


For Dakova

with John Fashanu and top male model, Tunji Oni

My prestige billboard

With one of my best friends, Denrele Edun. Unilag 2000

As an usher for 7up. 1999

with my bodyguards soldier friends

For Rimali billboard

For Mudi

My 21st birthday. 2face is standing right behind top Nollywood actor Emeka Enyiocha. Faze is standing beside Jazzman at the extreme left. Sound Sultan, Lexxy Doo and LD Extra large are also in the pix

The launch of my company, Blackdove.

My Magazine Launch, with Chief Mrs Opral Benson and Ohaneze ndi igbo of Lagos

My Last fashion show, Red, Bold and Jazzy 2005 for Frank Osodi

This was the last time I went to the studio (2005). I need to go back and take real professional pix and let y'all see it.

So I fine or I no fine?

To anonymous and co who say I've been dropping hints that all's not well with me, trust me, everything is well with me at this point in my life. I feel blessed and happy with myself. I 've made over 500 new friends (my site meter tells me that), I have a man in my life who deeply loves and supports me, my business is growing, my mag is about to hit the stands, all my loved ones are alive and healthy, what more could I ask for? Ok...I can ask for more comments. So I'm asking! lol

I'm off to go have me a crazy, loving weekend.

Have a fun filled weekend everyone.

See y'all later


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