lundi 27 novembre 2006


My first impression of Mikel at the 2004 under 17 World Youth Championship was a young talented, level headed player who had his priorities right. He shone like a million stars and went home with the 2nd best player award in that championship. His conduct in that tournament was impressive, especially on the field. He hardly booked any yellow cards or got into a fisticuff with any other what is all these stories im hearing about his attempt to destroy his career due to lack of discipline

They say his general attitude at his new club Chelsea is nothing to write home about. He arrives late for training, he dumped the club's corporate dress code for his own style of dressing, his attitude on the pitch is not even encouraging. He's been sent off a few times this season. And i aslo hear his moral attitude is also an issue.

Mikel was out of the team for a month but thankfully he's been called back after he officially apologised and promised to change his ways.

Now I hear his Chelsea club manager, Jose Mourinho, has hired a psychologist for him in a bid to save his football career from going downhill. I hope Mikel knows he has a manager who believes in him. Others would have just left him to destroy his young career. I hear also that for now Mikel has changed his attitude and the coach has forgiven him. Here's hoping he remains a good and well behaved guy and footballer for a long time. He's too much of a talent to be wasted

To happier news, I hear he has been named as one of the leading candidates for the best young player in Europe, voted for by journalists from all over Europe and announced before the end of the year. He happens to be the only African on the list of finalists. Hope he wins it.

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