lundi 30 novembre 2009

Four police officers shot and killed at coffee shop

Four police officers were shot and killed yesterday at a coffee shop in Tacoma, Washington. A gunman opened fire as they sat at a table before their shift.

The attack, which happened at 8.15am, was clearly targeted at the officers, not a robbery gone bad, as there were marked patrol cars outside and they were all in uniform.”

The killed police officers

The suspect, Maurice Clemmons (pictured above) has a history of violence. Right now they have him wounded (one of the officers managed to shoot him before being killed) and surrounded in a home.
Will bring you update.

Too sad!

Tiger Woods crash scene pictures

Pics thanks to TMZ

His wife, nanny turned bikini model, Elin Nordegren could be arrested for domestic violence, if police determine that she attacked the golfer, though he has said that the accident was his own fault.

Tiger Wood's statement after the accident...

“This is a private matter and I want to keep it that way. Although I understand there is curiosity, the many false, unfounded and malicious rumors that are currently circulating about my family and me are irresponsible.The only person responsible for the accident is me. My wife, Elin, acted courageously when she saw I was hurt and in trouble. She was the first person to help me. Any other assertion is absolutely false. This incident has been stressful and very difficult for Elin, our family and me. I appreciate all the concern and well wishes that we have received. But, I would also ask for some understanding that my family and I deserve some privacy no matter how intrusive some people can be.”

As you all know, I had a single-car accident earlier this week, and sustained some injuries. I have some cuts, bruising and right now I’m pretty sore. This situation is my fault, and it’s obviously embarrassing to my family and me. I’m human and I’m not perfect. I will certainly make sure this doesn’t happen again.''

Hope this story ends well.

Dbanj working on music talent show

Very talented music artiste Dapo Oyebanjo, popularly known as Dbanj is said to be seriously working on another TV reality show, but this time the show has nothing to do with girls but with talent. The music talent show, aptly called 'The Next Entertainer' is happen next year. So get ready for that.

Also Dbanj is said to be shuttling between Nigeria and some Asian countries for his much talked about Koko Mobile which will soon hit the Nigerian market.

Michael Lohan threatens suicide on twiiter

Lindasay Lohan's father Michael Lohan threatened to commit suicide via his Twitter account yesterday!

Michael tweeted Sunday night:






Michael Lohan is still alive!!

Movie Journalists set to honour Aki and Paw Paw

The association of Movie Journalists (AMJ) have concluded plans to hold the 3rd edition of the yearly Nollywood Outstanding Personality Award (NOPA), slated to hold on Friday, 4th Dec., at Terra Kulture, Victoria Island. The award will see practitioners of the movie industry such as Adim Williams, Kate Henshaw Nuttal, Chinedu Ikedieze and Osita Iheme being honored.*

10,000 albinos in hiding after killings in East Africa

NAIROBI, Kenya — The mistaken belief that albino body parts have magical powers has driven thousands of Africa's albinos into hiding, fearful of losing their lives and limbs to unscrupulous dealers who can make up to $75,000 selling a complete dismembered set.

Mary Owido, who lacks pigment that gives color to skin, eyes and hair, says she is only comfortable when at work or at home with her husband and children.

"Wherever I go people start talking about me, saying that my legs and hands can fetch a fortune in Tanzania," said Owido, 36, a mother of six. "This kind of talk scares me. I am afraid of going out alone."

Since 2007, 44 albinos have been killed in Tanzania and 14 others have been slain in Burundi, sparking widespread fear among albinos in East Africa.

At least 10,000 have been displaced or gone into hiding since the killings began, according to a report released this week by the International Federation for the Red Cross and Crescent societies.

East Africa's latest albino murder happened in Tanzania's Mwanza region in late October, when albino hunters beheaded 10-year-old Gasper Elikana and chopped off his leg, the report said. The killing left Elikana's father, who tried to defend his son, seriously injured.

Albinism is a hereditary condition, but occurs only when both parents have albinism genes. All six of Owido's children have normal skin color.

African albinos endure insults, discrimination and segregation throughout their lives. They also have a high risk of contracting skin cancer in a region where many jobs are outdoors.

Owido, a high school teacher in the western Kenyan town of Ahero, says she was forced to transfer from a better teaching job on the Kenya-Tanzania border town of Isebania in 2008 after an albino girl she knew was murdered and her body parts chopped off.

The surge in the use of albino body parts as good luck charms is a result of "a kind of marketing exercise by witch doctors," the International Federation for the Red Cross and Crescent societies said.

The report says the market for albino parts exists mainly in Tanzania, where a complete set of body parts – including all limbs, genitals, ears, tongue and nose – can sell for $75,000. Wealthy buyers use the parts as talismans to bring them wealth and good fortune.

The chairman of the Albino Association of Kenya, Isaac Mwaura, called the murders deplorable but said the killings have given albinos a platform to raise awareness.

Almost 90 percent of albinos living in the region were raised by single mothers, Mwaura said, because the fathers believed their wives were having affairs with white men.

"When I was born my father said his family tree doesn't have such children and left us," Mwaura said.

Story source: Associated Press.

Why we celebrated birthday with orphans - P-Square

"We couldn't think of a better way to celebrate than with these children who have been deprived of the love and warmth they could have received at a point in time but for fate. They see us on TV but we would like to connect with them because we know what if feels like to be orphans even though we are not one. We have had many parties in the past but this was about giving back to the society" - P-Square

Sound Sultan and wife welcome baby girl

Sound Sultan and his wife Chichi Farida who got married in October today announced the birth of their first baby, a girl, delivered at Ituha Hospital in Festac Town, Lagos.

Congrats to the new parents.

Timaya drops new single 'Plantain boy'

Nigerian dancehall star, Inetimi Odem, popularly known as Timaya, has just released a new single titled 'Plantain boy' from his new album that is yet to be completed. In the new single he sang about how he used to hawk plantain and how he has been able to acquire a lot of wealth today. 'Plantain boy to big boy' he sang. He also added a new Escalade Truck to his fleet of cars. Good for him!

Source: City People Magazine.

Photo of the day

"I Know We've Been Married For 17 Years, But My Mom Just Really Likes To Chaperone." Michelle Obama.

U.S. President Barack Obama speaks with his mother in law Marian Robinson (C) and wife first lady Michelle Obama (R) during a college basketball game at George Washington University November 28, 2009 in Washington, DC. President Barack Obama attended the game between George Washington University and Oregon State, which is coached by his brother in law Craig Robinson.

Too cute...

Zaaki Azzay to go into torch manufacturing

Northern torch light holding crooner, Zakky Azzay, who will soon be launching his album has said that he will soon go into the manufacturing of torch light and has concluded plans to do the manufacturing in China. Also his much anticipated 14 tracker album titled 'Speed', and features other artistes like Sasha, Obiwon, Nneka...will soon be launched.

Ego Boyo holds workshop for female film makers

Talented former actress, Ego Boyo, who shot to limelight through her remarkable role in popular '90's soap 'Checkmate', is presently organising a workshop for female film makers and she's encouraging women to be part of this programme to bridge the gap between the old, present and future schools of women in the film industry. The workshop will feature other talented actresses and female film makers like Amaka Igwe, Kate Henshaw Nuttal, Ifeoma Williams and many others.

The workshop comes up on Thursday 3rd Dec, 09 at 15 Amodu Tijani street., off Sanusi Fafunwa, Victoria Island.

samedi 28 novembre 2009

Tiger Woods a victim of domestic abuse?

Tiger Woods, 33, was transported to the hospital early Friday morning after crashing his cadillac escalade into a fire hydrant near his residence in Windermere, Fla., outside Orlando. It was only yesterday that reports of his affair with another woman hit the headlines.

Below is the story of what actually happened according to news media TMZ.

Tiger Woods did not suffer facial lacerations from a car accident. They were inflicted by his wife, Elin Nordegren — according to a conversation Woods had Friday after the accident. Tiger has yet to be formally interviewed by the Florida Highway Patrol — that should happen this afternoon. But we’re told Tiger had a conversation Friday — with a non-law enforcement type — detailing what went down before his Escalade hit a fire hydrant.

We’re told he said his wife had confronted him about reports that he was seeing another woman. The argument got heated and, according to our source, she scratched his face up. We’re told it was then Woods beat a hasty retreat for his SUV — but according to our source, Woods says his wife followed behind with a golf club. As Tiger drove away, she struck the vehicle several times with the club. We’re told Woods became “distracted,” thought the vehicle was stopped, and looked to see what had happened. At that point the SUV hit the fire hydrant and then hit a tree.

We’re also told Woods had said during the conversation Friday he had been taking prescription pain medication for an injury, which could explain why he seemed somewhat out of it at the scene.

This is the woman Tiger was allegedly dating, but she's since denied the affair.

 Domestic violence against men is not prevalent...but I have a feeling this incident with Tiger and his wife (if the story is true) will give it more prominence now.

If he really did cheat, that would have made her extremely mad...but mad enough to pick up a golf club?
What's your thoughts on this?

First pics of Seal and Heidi Klums babygirl Lou

Heidi Klum and Seal’s latest addition to their family...Lou Sulola Samuel who was born in October
Too cute.

Source: Bossip

VP Goodluck Jonathan under pressure to resign

Story by Punch Newspapers

There were strong indications on Friday that the Vice President, Dr. Goodluck Jonathan, may be under intense pressure from some of the country‘s power brokers to resign.Those behind the move, sources say, want to ensure that the delicate power sharing arrangement between the North and the South, which some military chiefs and politicians agreed upon in 1998, is preserved. Under the zoning arrangement agreed upon by the politicians of the ruling Peoples Democratic Party, power is expected to rotate between the two regions at the end of two presidential terms.

Saturday Punch investigations on Friday revealed that the pressure, which started when the President made his first medical trip abroad in 2007, increased this week after the President departed for Saudi Arabia for another round of treatment.

The plan of those pressurising the VP, Saturday Punch learnt, is to create a situation where he would resign for the Senate President, David Mark, to take over for three months and then organise elections, in the event that the President is unable to complete his term.

However, at about the time that Saturday Punch completed its investigations on Friday, the Presidency issued a statement saying that Nigeria‘s president will not resign despite currently undergoing treatment in Saudi Arabia.

Thoughts on this?

Is silence really the best answer?

I was accused of doing something...that I didn't do by the way. But instead of defending myself, I decided to ignore it.

Now I'm told the reason I kept quiet was because I was guilty. My accuser could not understand why I would not defend myself if I was innocent. I really am

You all know I talk a lot but I just decided to shut it this time 'cos I believe that some things are best left alone, especially if it will lead to more anger and confusion. I also knew that whatever I said would be repeated and the nice thing about silence is that it can't be repeated...abi?

But my silence was misinterpreted. Now I'm told that if I had explained my own side of it all, it would have eased a lot of tension, and brought a calm end to the problem. (Hmmm, you are damned if you talk. You are damned if you don't talk).

So here's my question: When you are having problems with someone or you are accused of saying or doing something you didn't say or do, or they write some horrible story about you in the know negative stuff like that...what's the best reaction?

Silence because it's golden?
Speaking up because you give yourself a voice ... and be heard!

What do you guys think?

jeudi 26 novembre 2009

Kaduna prostitutes offer free

The kind of nonsense you read sometimes..;)
Read the story below and be amused.

Kaduna prostitutes offer free sex
-As male prostitutes take over business
-Pay one round, get one free
-To form prostitutes union

Female prostitutes in Kaduna have commenced a two month “free sex bonanza” expected to end on December 31st 2009. They claim that the male prostitutes are bent on taking over the age long profession from them, the traditional “owners” of the trade.

The female prostitutes who operate from a part of Kaduna metropolis, popularly called obalende on Maduguri road, claim the free sex would shore up and improve their business, which has nosedived for some months now.

To let people know that these prostitutes mean business, already they have began to create awareness for their sex freebie offer, by putting up banners and posters along their “territory” intimating customers of their offer, including other services on offer.

Sources gathered that how this offer works is, if you pay for a round of sex, you will get another round free. Also, the prize has been categorized into two, which are: petrol instant/ per night sex and gas instant/ per night sex. Anal sex is described as gas sex, which has been increased from N20,000 to N50,000 per night, while the normal sex also called petrol sex has been increased from N5,000 to N15,000 per night.

One of the female prostitutes in the area, who goes by the name “Presido”, and who claims to be a graduate of Ahmadu Bello University, told sources that they can no longer afford to provide to people at the former price, due to Inflation. More importantly, they claimed that the male prostitutes are now trying to take over the business from them. Sources gathered that more people now find the male prostitutes less expensive, hence, the shift in patronage to them. Big boys and girls now pick these male prostitutes between 10pm to 2am, along a very popular hotel by Rabah and Mando  road, Kaduna .

Source - City People Magazine.
Pay one round ... get one free???

20 truths about men

Relationship doctor, Bob Grant, wants every woman to KNOW this 20 truths about MEN. He says this is what every man has in his head...
Check it out...

1. I’ll do anything for sex; even commit to you for life.
2. I hate arguing with you. I’d much rather find a compromise.
3. Please don’t ask me how you look unless you’re willing to trust my answer.
4. My eyes notice other women a lot more when you are upset with me.
5. If I don’t feel I can make you happy, it makes me feel like less than a man.
6. If you can’t stand up to me when I’m a brat, you’re too weak for me to open up to when I’m upset.
7. I don’t read minds. Remember, I’m not a girl.
8. You may know fashion, but I wish you’d dress to please me, not other women.
9. I hate being told what to do when I don’t ask for help. It makes me feel like you’re my mother.
10. Being respected is more important to me than being loved.
11. I’m more insecure than you think. Why do you think I need your respect so much?
12. When I’m upset, I am very tone sensitive. How you say it is more important than what you say.
13. I hate it when you minimize/ignore my compliments. It makes me want to stop giving them.
14. I want every guy to envy me when we arrive as a couple. Please don’t let yourself go.
15. I don’t always know how I feel. That’s why I don’t tell you.
16. If I do one thing and say something contradictory, go with my actions—that will always tell you what’s in my heart.
17. I really don’t want to hear about any of your ex-boyfriends, regardless of the point.
18. Don’t ask me, “Are you going to wear that?” when I’m already dressed.
19. A gentleman should always be respected by his lady in public, even if she is disagreeing with him.
20. If you cheat on me, it is nearly impossible for me to get over it.
The End.

Hmmm I see, so you hate it when we cheat on you, but you do it to us all the time. What, you think we like it?  We don't. In fact we hate it. 
But there's something we do like. SPOIL US. If you can afford it, buy us things we need, things we want, and things we only need just to show off to foes friends that we are living the good
But on a serious note, we'd like for you guys to listen to us more. And look us in the eye when we are talking to you DAMMIT!, instead of acting like we are boring you to death! :-)
Also, we don't nag, we just like to talk...a lot! You men believe that there is no need to talk unless you have something to say. Yeah well, we women believe that if you have nothing to say then you need to talk about why you have nothing to say. Lol.
Nah, just kidding, we are not that petty
Oh yes we are! Lol!
And finally, we women generally don't like it when you guys spend more time grooming than we do. It's a huge turn off...right ladies? RIGHT!!!
What other truths do you think men should know about us women? And men is that what you guys are really thinking or is Dr Bob generalizing?
Oh by the way guys, we are not your mothers, so don't hold us to their standards. *wink*

mercredi 25 novembre 2009

'I grab boobies all the time' - Rihanna

"I grab boobies all the time, I’m obessesed. I don’t have much so anytime I see a good rack I’m like “wow, I wish mine looked and felt like that”. Women are beautiful. I’m not into them but they are hot."

Rihanna on the pics of her grabbing boobs...

Photos of the day

Van Vicker and wife, Adjoa

Van with wifey, his two adorable daughters J'dyl and J-ian, and only son, Vj, who recently turned 1.
Cute family!

Michelle Obama's State Dinner Dress

The Obama's had their first official State dinner last night, Tuesday 24th of Nov. And trust the ever fashionable michelle Obama; she dazzled everyone with her dress, a gleaming silver-sequined, strapless silhouette cream-colored gown designed by Indian-American designer Naeem Khan.

What do you think of Michelle Obama's dress; loves it or loves it?

mardi 24 novembre 2009

David Beckham caught on camera using an inhaler for the first time

The 34 year old England star was photographed using an inhaler during the Major League Soccer Cup final in Seattle last weekend. David Beckham has had asthma for years, he has suffered with this since he was a young boy but has never sought to make it public and it has never affected his performance on the football pitch.**

Hopefully this news will inspire sport-loving children with asthma around the world and show that asthma doesn't have to stop you achieving your dreams.

Yar'Adua flies to S-Arabia for medical check up

President Yar'Adua yesterday flew to Saudi Arabia for medical check-up

“President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua will leave Abuja today for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, while there; the President will call on his personal physicians in Jeddah for follow-up medical checks,” 

Olusegun Adeniyi, President Yar'adua's special adviser on media and publicity, said in a statement yesterday in Abuja.

This is the third trip the president is making in four months, to treat an ailment that has not been fully disclosed to the nation.**

Cossy Orjiakor interview

When asked how she handles all the attention her boobs attracts, sexy actress, Cossy Orjiakor replied "It's simple for me. I have admirers no doubt but I can't sleep with everybody. If a guy says 'I love your boobs', I say waoh! Do you know what he just said. He said he loves my boobs. Anything you tell me, I will tell the public"

What does Cossy want in a man? "Somebody that respects me"
Has she found him? "I am not searching. I have a boyfriend. I am a pretty girl. I keep pushing men away on a daily basis. I ride on."
Any plans to get married soon? "Will I get married to me? When I see a man that wants to marry me, I will let you know."

Source: Encomium magazine

Lilian Bach on why she's still single

"I have a Polish woman’s mentality. I’m not married, not because I have not been having marriage proposals. I have to look before I leap. It’s not easy for me, having advances from (left, right and centre) different angles. If I don’t get it right…. I don’t want to have this record of divorce in marriage. I said to myself, ‘If I gonna go into it, only once, till rapture comes. Let me put it that way. It’s not as if I have not had some bitter experiences along the line, But I thank God that it’s easy to break up a relationship, but not in marriage. I thank God for those past experiences, because if I have been married today, I wouldn’t know what would have come out of it."

Model/actress Lilian Bach on why she's still single.
Source: Vanguard Newspaper

Tricia Eseigbe set to wed

TV presenter and actress Tricia Eseigbe will on Saturday Dec 19th, marry her long time love, Kingsley Kerry, at the Holy Spirit Deliverance Ministry. Reception is at Best Southern Hotel, Lekki, Lagos.
Congrats to her.

Introducing: New Artist Jumbo

Highly talented Nigerian-born musician born in Akwa Ibom releases his much anticipated debut album titled “Brand New Day”, a move which will thrill his growing fans across the music world.

The album consists of original songs written by Jumbo in collaboration with Cobhams Asuquo and other renowned producers including like Scott Hedges. It was recorded in various studios in Lagos, Nigeria and Dragon Lair Studios, Maryland, USA. It also features guest performances by Ramon, Keisha, Yinka Davis, and Monica from Sierra Leone.

Fans are encouraged to visit Jumbo’s website at The website provides everything you could want to know about the young musician including links to iTunes and CDbaby where you can purchase this amazing album. You may also check out his interactive page on Reverb Nation at and even join up to be his friend on Facebook (search for Jumbo Aniebiet).

For further information, contact Igo Wordu at (410) 507- 9604, or by visiting

Basketmouth looses father

Ace comedian Basketmouth lost his father, Elder Peter Okpocha - 69, a contractor with the Nigerian Navy, some weeks back. His remains will be interred in his compound in Umuso Isukwuato, Abia State on Sat., Nov 28, 2009.
May his soul rest in peace. Amen.

2009 America Music Awards Winners and Pictures

The 2009 American Music Awards took place on Sunday 22nd of Nov in Los Angeles.
Below is the list of winners:

Artist Of The Year: Taylor Swift
International Artist Of The Year: Whitney Houston
Favourite Pop/Rock Male Artist: Michael Jackson
Favourite Pop/Rock Female Artist: Taylor Swift
Favourite Pop/Rock Band, Duo or Group: The Black Eyed Peas
Favourite Pop/Rock Album: Taylor Swift - Fearless
Favourite Country Male Artist: Keith Urban
Favourite Country Female Artist: Taylor Swift
Favourite Country Band, Duo or Group: Rascal Flatts
Favourite Country Album: Taylor Swift - Fearless
Favourite Hip-Hop Male Artist: Jay-Z
Favourite Hip-Hop Album: Jay-Z - Blueprint
Favourite Soul/R&B Male Artist: Michael Jackson
Favourite Soul/R&B Female Artist: Beyonce
Favourite Soul/R&B Band, Duo or Group: The Black Eyed Peas
Favourite Soul/R&B Album: Michael Jackson - Number Ones
Favourite Soundtrack Album: Twilight
Favourite Adult Contemporary Artist: Taylor Swift
Favourite Alternative Rock Artist: Green Day
Favourite Latin Artist: Aventura
Favourite Contemporary Inspirational Artist: Mary Mary
Breakthrough Artist Of The Year: Gloriana

Some pix from the Award...