lundi 25 juin 2007

Just a few days...

I know I shocked a lot of people this week with everything I wrote. To some, It was wrong of me, to others it was a bold step, to me it was what I wanted to do...maybe it makes me a good or bad person, insecure or courageous, stupid or wise, maybe I did it out of love or out of revenge...whatever it was, I did it my way and that's the most important thing.

I know for sure that it has helped me be a better person...I've learnt so much in just a week

I'm wiser and stronger now and I hope sharing my experience has helped alot of women out there...

Last week happened but I've decided to let all that more talk of sad things...

I'm going to take some days off blogging. I need to go regroup

When I come back this blog will be bigger, bolder and better..

See y'all when I get back.

Kisses and much love!

Linda Ikeji

dimanche 17 juin 2007

World's Most Expensive Hotel

Burj Al Arab Hotel, Dubai.

The hotel at night

This hotel, Burj Al Arab Hotel meaning Tower of the Arabs, is the only 7 star hotel in the world and plays hosts to 5, 000 tourists a day.

Royal suite

Burj Al Arab is an architectural masterpiece built on water. It's built to resemble a billowing sail and is the world's tallest hotel standing at 321 metres, built on his own man made Island.

The hotel has been described as the world's most luxurious, finest and most expensive hotel. The cheapest room goes for Dhr 7, 500 (N300, 000) a night.

Three bedroom suite

Deluxe Suite

Table tennis Court

It has a luxury spa, fitness centre, world class shopping malls, golf courses, luxury chartered yacht cruises, helicopter tours...the perfect place for a holiday honeymoon.

To go to this hotel, you need a prior booking via email at

I'm already saving towards visiting this hotel for my first holiday from work...anyone interested in visiting Dubai and the hotel as a tourist, please get in touch with me via email...we can go as a group, or meet over there...what's life without a little fun and adventure right?

samedi 16 juin 2007

Ben's story

This is the story that has been making headlines in the last two weeks in Naija. It's a story of a US based car dealer, Ben, who recently came home to drop some cars for sale...

Read what happened to him...

For residents of the popular Akerele Street in Surulere, Lagos, a recent event will linger in their memories for a long time. It was the day armed robbers unleashed terror on the neighbourhood, leaving in their trail, sorrow, tears and blood. The unfortunate event happened right in front of the popular Olaiye Canteen on Akerele.

Ben, who just returned to Nigeria from his US base, went to Olaiya canteen with some friends, late Sunday evening. They had driven there in a mint-clean American Spec Seqouia Jeep. Unknown to them, they were apparently being trailed by ramed robbers.

Eye witnesses say immediately Ben and his friends got into the car, the robbers ordered everybody out while Ben who was driving was pushed out of the vehicle. That was perhaps the turning point of the whole tragic drama as fate played a cruel one on the recently married Edo-born car dealer.

Try as the armed robbers would to drive the jeep away, they failed simply because they did not realise the jeep had a neck gear as most American Specs do. The robbers tried unsuccessfully to move the car for about 3 minutes and when they realised they couldn't, they thought it was Ben who had demobilised the vehicle.

They quickly raised after Ben, who eye witnesses say ran towards the olaiya Restaurant. All this while, most of the shops including Olaiya had hurriedly locked up. 30 something year old Ben was caught and shot right in front of the restaurant where he had eaten a few minutes ago...he died on the spot...

US based Ben, who got married three months ago is in the morgue, waiting to be buried...died for nothing!

The most painful part of it was that Ben was due to leave Nigeria back to his US base three days before he was killed...he already booked his flight...

Ben is survived by his wife and parents who live with him in the US. Tell me, what is his new wife supposed to do now?

The way at which armed robbers have been operating in Nigeria in the last few months is alarming and painful...they've become bolder, robbing in daylight...holding up traffic and robbing vehicles...they've been visiting banks, hotels and even Night Clubs...they seem to have multiplied and also seem fearless...a few individuals have lost their lives...there was a case of an American producer killed right inside his hotel room on the Island... I haven't heard of any arrests...what is the Nigerian police doing?

There was a time when one would hardly hear stories of armed robbery, but now this guys are back, bolder and more dangerous

I know saying all this does not reflect well on Nigeria, but that's the reality. People are advised not to be caught in a traffic on the bridge anytime from 8pm, don't drive late at least until the Nigerian police starting doing something about this situation...

It's sad! Hopefully this new administration will tackle most of the problems that make Nigeria a volatile society...

World Entertainment News.

NBA sensation, Lebron James and his long time girlfriend, Savannah Brinson recently welcomed a second son aleady named Bryce Maximus James...some women are lucky. See the hotness called LeBron...

Controversial singer Akon has just released a new song that has everything to do with the incident involving the 14 year girl he bumped and grinded at a concert some months ago...

The lyric goes thus...Daddy should have never let her out that was I supposed to know she was underage in a 21-and-over club?...the song is already out...go check out the crappy lyrics at youtube.

The mess called Britney Spears. Thank God she covered up this time...

It just came to my notice that wearing 'saggy pants' is now an offence in Louisiana. Offenders will be fined $500...where's freedom of expression...freedom of fashion sense? The mayor of Louisiana said wearing of saggy pants have gotten out of hand, not just within the black community, the white community have also joined the trend. Well, what they say about strange laws...

The headline says it all. Lindsay will be 21 on July 2 2007 and she is currently in rehab...still finding time to party...the few friends she has are betraying her. Her former bodyguard is writing a book on his time with her... and American's will buy it? God bless ... and every place else.

Is that Ankara Fabric Sienna Miller has on?

I also hear that P.Diddy has dropped Cassie from Bad Boy Records...true?

There are rumours that Nicole Richie is pregnant for boyfriend, Joel Madden. She looks pregnant but I have my doubts.

Ex's Justin Timberlake and Cameron Diaz looked cozy together recently at the European tour of Shrek 3 which they both co-starred...I wonder what Jessica Biel thinks of this...

Rare public display of affection between Jigga and his lady love, Beyonce.

The hotness called Beyonce

Rumour has it that former rapper Foxy Brown is pregnant. Is she really?

Amazon River longer than River Nile?
Scientists in Brazil are claiming to have established as a scientific fact that the Amazon is the longest river in the world.

Amazon is recognised as the world's largest river by volume, but has generally been regarded as second in length to the River Nile in Egypt.

The claim follows an expedition to Peru that is said to have established a new starting point further south.
It puts the Amazon at 6,800km (4,250 miles) compared to the Nile's 6,695km.

Got anything to say?

vendredi 15 juin 2007

Naija Gists and News

Genevieve Magazine wins award

One of Nigeria's foremost lifestyle Magazines, Genevieve magazine recently won the award of 'Most Preferred ADVAN Partner in the Magazine category' for the year 2006 at an event organised by the Advertisers Association of Nigeria (ADVAN). A well deserved award!

Miss Charming Pageant
Another pageant...Miss Charming. What the hell does this mean? Miss Charming? Who's she charming? Anyway for those interested here's the info you need...

Miss Charming Afrique
Attractions: A trip for all contestants to Ghana.
A visit to the Boti Falls and Osekan Resort
Star Prizes include: Official Car, Cash prize, 2 international pageants, DVD, ipods, 29 LG TV set.
Form: N5, 000
Powered by Route Media
for partication call: 08057455081, 08023539027.

23 year old Soul E set to wed 35 year old divorcee, Ure Okezie, a top manager at First Inland Bank...

I won't tell the story, hear it from the horses mouths

Soul E Quote

Aren't you too young to be marrying at 23?
"I believe everybody in this world has a goal. Before I got my deal, I told myself that btw 18 and 23 I'll be a household name which I have achieved. I also told myself that I'll be married before I'm 25, and I am fulfilled to be getting married to a woman pf class"

The age difference?
"She maybe 35 but I see her as 18"

Is he marrying her because she is rich?
"When a guy is dating an older woman people assume because you want something. I am successful. My wife is successful. There is nothing like gigolo or juju. People should watch, wait and see the success of our marriage"

Why did he move in with her?
"Moving in with her was my decision at least I was living in Lekki before now. We are just staying here for a while and we are working on our mansion"

His fiancee, Ure Okezie, speaks

You were once married, what happened?
"Well, we broke up"

What makes Soul E special?
"He's bold, courageous, ambitious, honest"

Didn't your family complain about the age difference?
"As long as I am happy, my family is happy"

Did you buy him the jeep he's currently driving?
"We have jeeps. Whatever belongs to me belongs to him and whatever is his, is mine"

What can I say? I think Soul E is too young to be getting married...and what's with older women marrying all our young, sexy men? We young girls are slacking no be! It's not funny though.

An evening of fashion and style with Grace Egbagbe
Date: Sunday, 24th June, 2007
Venue: Golden Gate Restaurant, Ikoyi
Time: 2. 00pm
Colour code: Torquoise
Dress code: Glamorous
Enquiries: 08055001795
Strictly by invitation

Also, she'll be having her party this evening at Villa Medici, for her retirement from NTA. The party is tagged 'A celebration of a successful career'. She recently retired as the marketing manager of NTA after 28 years of service.

Top society lady, Nkiru Anumudu will be celebrating her birthday this weekend with a bash to be held at her Ikoyi residence, which people who know the amiable woman, say it will be a night of good food, wine and much fun. Her husband, Chief Willie Anumudu, the chairman of Globe Motors, is leaving no stone unturned to give his wife a great birthday party. Already, text messages and IV's have been spreading amongst the happening crowd in Lagos...

Naija News
The regime of Governor Andy Uba of Anambra State came to an abrupt end on Thursday June 14th when the Supreme Court ordered him to immediately vacate office and hand over the reins of power to his predecessor, Governor Peter Obi to complete his four year term.

President Umaru Yar‘Adua has directed the Inspector-General of Police, Mr. Mike Okiro, and the Solicitor-General of the Federation, Prof. Ignatius Ayua (san), to enforce the Supreme Court judgment on the governorship position in Anambra State

THE Nigerian Bar Association has commended the verdict of the Supreme Court that directed the immediate reinstatement of Mr. Peter Obi as the Anambra State Governor.
NBA President, Chief Olisa Agbakoba (SAN)
Speaking through its President, Mr. Olisa Agbakoba (SAN), the association said the protem Governor, Dr. Andy Uba, must vacate the Government House immediately to pave way for the rightful owner.

The battle by the detained leader of the Niger Delta Peoples Volunteer Force (NDPVF), Alhaji Mujaheed Asari-Dokubo, to regain his freedom was won on Thursday June 14th with the bail granted him by an Abuja Federal High Court.

Oil marketers begin strike today ahead of planned nationwide strike by the Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC) on Monday in protest of the recent hike in the pump price of premium motor spirit (PMS), otherwise called petrol, from N65 to N75 per litre

The Federal Capital Territory Administration, on Thursday, demolished three buildings belonging to the Africa Independent Television at its Gbaduma Hill location in Asokoro District of Abuja.
The buildings included a digital amphitheatre, the theatre‘s service building and an engineering building also serving as an annex of the theatre.
The buildings were sited at the middle of the hill, at the lower part of the main building which is located on the top of the hill.

The police investigating team which investigated the alleged involvement of former Inspector General of Police, Mr. Sunday Ehindero, in illegal withdrawal of police fund running into several millions of naira has submitted a preliminary investigation report to President Umaru Musa Yar‘Adua. The preliminary report according to sources indicted the former police boss.
The report also recommended that Ehindero be charged with conspiracy and stealing.
He was said to have made, confessional statement to the investigating team.
In the mean, the former police boss‘s movement had been restricted with strict orders to monitor his movement.
The report also recommended that the Commissioner of Police in charge of budget at the time the alleged fraud was committed, Mr. John Obaniyi has been recommended for suspension.
I don't know much about this Idol Blogsville competition but I heard it's already started? Goodluck to the contestants...
That's all for now folks...I'm needed someplace else...go to go...good night and take care of you and yours!

Top Ten Weirdest Deaths

We all know we are all going to die someday. We can only hope when our time comes it's peaceful, quick and dignified. However, for some ill-fated individuals, this simply isn't going to happen. Take a look at the weirdest ways some people have left this earth.

Magic bullet
Brandon Lee, the son of Bruce Lee, was shot and killed by a prop .44 Magnum while filming the 1993 movie 'The Crow'. The scene involved the firing of a full-powder blank (full charge of gunpowder, but no bullet) at Brandon's character. However, unknown to the film crew/firearms technician, a bullet was already lodged in the barrel.

Grand slam
Owen Hart, WWF wrestler, died in 1999 when he fell 78 feet while being lowered into the ring by a cable from the stadium rafters before an upcoming match. He had been scheduled to win the WWF Intercontinental Championship that night.

Part of the act?
Tommy Cooper, British magician, died from a massive heart attack on stage in 1984 during a live television performance. Most of the studio audience and millions watching on TV thought it was part of the act and carried on laughing, until it became apparent the comic was seriously ill.

Bite me!
In 2001, Bernd-Jurgen Brandes posted an ad on an internet chatroom stating that he was looking for someone to eat him. Armin Meiwes eagerly replied to this ad, and the two sick-puppies hooked up. Meiwes murdered Brandes by stabbing him repeatedly in the neck, and then ate his body.

Death by video games
Korean Lee Seung Seop, 28, died of dehydration and heart failure after a mammoth 50-hour 'World of Warcraft' session. Throughout this time, he drank very little water and ate virtually nothing, and eventually collapsed from exhaustion. He died with the joypad still in his hand moments later

Elvis Presley died while seating on the toilet seat.

Fatal hilarity
Chrysippus was a Greek philosopher with a wicked sense of humour. One night, the giggling goon thought it would be great fun to get his donkey drunk on red wine. Seeing the drunken beast stagger around was so hilarious to Chrysippus, that he literally laughed himself to death. Now that's what you call a killer punch line.

Blood poisoning
Despite creating one of the finest known drinks to man, Jack Daniels was an unsavoury character whose greed finally got the better of him. In 1911, Jack forgot the combination of his safe and in a drunken rage decided to boot the safe to high heaven. Jack developed a rather juicy toe injury for his troubles, and died of blood poisoning days later.

Death at the races
Frank Hayes was a jockey who in 1923 suffered a fatal heart attack in the midst of a race. His horse, Sweet Kiss, finished and won the race with his lifeless body still atop, making him the first, and thus far only, jockey to win a race post-mortem.

Death from above
In 1989, a Belgian teenager was killed by a crashing soviet MiG-23 fighter jet, which escaped from Poland on autopilot after the crew ejected following a false engine failure alarm.
A few years ago I saw a man dance for hours on a main road. When I passed there late in the evening, he was lying on the road, dead! Weird!
Know anyone who died in a weird way? Share your story!

World's strangest laws

I came across this and decided to share with everyone. Some of the laws listed here are baffling...Don't know whether to believe it or not...Prepare to be amazed at the strangest laws from around the world.
...see for yourself and tell me what you think...

First is America, home of the wackiest laws of them all. Here's just a handfull of nutty laws that regulate the world's biggest superpower.
Michigan: A woman isn't allowed to cut her own hair without her husband's permission. Indiana: It is illegal to attend the theatre within four hours of eating garlic.
North Dakota: It is illegal to lie down and fall asleep with your shoes on.
Oklahoma: People who make ugly faces at dogs may be fined and/or jailed.
Wisconsin: Women are not allowed to wear anything red in public.
Arkansas: A man can legally beat his wife, but not more than once a month....this I find especially baffling. Those who live in this state, how true is this?
California: It is illegal for a secretary to be alone in a room with her boss...this also find hard to believe. In such a civilised society?...tell me this isn't so...

Under Lebanese law, men are legally allowed to have sex with animals, but the animals must be female. Having sexual relations with a male animal is strictly forbidden.
For want of a better word, I'm baffled at this law!

In Germany, women who refuse to work as prostitutes risk having their benefits stopped. Prostitution was legalised in Germany in 2003, and is now regarded as a normal occupation.

In Columbia, a woman may only have sex with her husband, and the first time this happens her mother must be in the room to witness the act.
They used to do this in some part of Africa...but Colombia?

The penalty for masturbation in Indonesia is decapitation.
I hope they are wrong about this...

Between the hours of 8AM and 8PM, 70% of the music on the radio must be by French musicians. It is also illegal in France to sell 'E.T' dolls or name a pig Napoleon.

Australia is one country you don't want to break the law in. The current life sentence is 200 years. It is illegal to read someone's tarot, or give them a psychic reading as these are forms of witchcraft. Bizarrely, it also illegal to dress up like Batman down under.
Ok that's weird!

Hong Kong
In Hong Kong, a betrayed wife is legally allowed to kill her adulterous husband, but may only do so with her bare hands. The husband's lover may be killed in any manner desired.
Do I like this law? Yes, because I don't know how the hell a woman will kill a man with her bare hands...we need a weapon. I guess the joke is on the women...

Pinching a passing girl's bottom is perfectly legal in Italy. However, if an Italian man is caught wearing a skirt, he'll be thrown in jail faster than you can say Pavarotti.
I support the skirt wearing, but pinching a girl's bottom is legal? Give me a break!

Did you know that in London it is illegal to have sex on a parked motorcycle? Or that showing a naked mannequin to a boy under 10 in Liverpool could see you behind bars? Is this true. Please someone investigate for us.

Can anyone tell the rest of us what the strangest law in Nigeria is?

mercredi 13 juin 2007

My new employees

I actually have plenty, better Naija gists for all of una, but time no permit me. This week has been especially busy for me. I just employed a guy called Jackson and every time I sit in front of the computer, he comes into my office with one thing or the other, telling me what am supposed to be doing at that particular moment. He drew up a schedule for me...This guy is actually bossing me around. I can't take a break without him breathing down my neck to start working again.

I had to lock myself inside my office to use the laptop now. He's an employee and his giving me a hard time, imagine if he was my boss...I don finish! I gave him an office close to the reception, but today, he moved to the office close to have easy access to me and remind me of why I cleared my bank account to get a five bedroom office space. I guess what am trying to say is that I just got someone who is extremely ready to work. He comes to work before anyone else and leaves last...I thank God for him.

Also, yesterday, two guys called to see me, they came to the office today and they offered to work for me for two months on probation without any salaries...both of them in their late 20's. After speaking to them for an hour, I was convinced these guys believed in my dream and wanted to be part of the success of my I decided to give them the probation they asked for and offered them a percentage from any money they make for my company...

So now I have one more room to go...if there's anyone out there who is interested in working for a growing company, with specialty in events, entertainment, fashion, modeling, writing...send me an long as you don't expect a salary immediately. Ours is pay as you go for now until we can afford a salary...

Also if you're interested in modeling, pls call 08033595004...we are looking for the best models out there...

Did I also mention I'll soon be on TV? Oh yes, I'm starting a TV programme soon. The best part is that I already got an executive is beautiful!

Those who want to know more about Eko Tourist Beach Resort, I'll get more details and their contact for you. It's a really great place to be!

@ My 2 cents, Rosemary Ingbi is married to model/presenter Peter Onaniwu. Saw their wedding pictures with their my two korokoro eys...sorry o! Love is love!

...he's knocking on my door to go...

Please keep your comments coming, I'll respond this weekend when Jackson won't be around...

So take care all of you and put me in your prayers like I do of all of you!

Kisses! linda

mardi 12 juin 2007

Naija Gists.

Let's see what news I can give y'all today...

Jim Ovia, Femi Otedola, Aliko Dangote set to float another Boat Club
President of Zenon Petroleum and Gas, Femi Otedola, MD of Zenith Bank, Jim Ovia and business mogul, Aliko Dangote are said to be getting set to float another boat club and it will be exclusively for top corporate players in Nigeria and will attract N10 million as membership fee.
This new boat club was thought about after the old one Aquamarine, has been infiltrated. The new boat club is allegedly going to be located around Walter Carrington Crescent Victoria Island, Victoria Island. N10 million for membership? oh well, like they say, all fingers are not equal.

Friends of the sleek present
All 4 Steve Kadiri
(An initiative concert to raise fund for his treatment in UK)
Featuring Dbanj, Sunny Neji, 2face, Weird MC, Ruggedman, Tony Tetuila, Sammie Okposo and several others.
Date Friday 22nd June o7.
Gate:N2, 000, V.I.P N5, 000
Venue: The Vault, Idowu Martins, V/I, Lagos.
For ticket delivery call, 08023250738
Please support Steve Kadiri by purchasing a ticket for the concert. He needs a kidney transplant.

Soul E set to wed
24 year old new music sensation, Soul E, is said to be getting ready to marry. Hear him...
"By the grace of God my wedding will take place very soon. I am engaged to the woman that I love and our traditional wedding will take place next month."

Ejike Asiegbu's wife delivers their 4th child
Star actor, and Actor's Guild of Nigeria's president, Ejike Asiegbu's wife, few weeks ago gave birth to the couple's 4th child, a boy, in South Africa. Mother and son are doing great.

Wanted! (drop dead gorgeous and beautiful)

Face Of Unveil

Reward: A chance to win N500, 000 cash prize,
Weekend trip to Obudu Cattle Ranch
Opportunity to work with world-class designers
Free Makeup classes for 20 contestants worth N50, 000, plus lots of other consolation prizes.
If you're interested, obtain your entry form (N3, 500) at any branch of Oceanic Bank, ETB and SKYE Bank.
for enquiries, call 018994220, 014318508

Obafemi martins buys Benz Jeep

Footballer, Obafemi Martins who people is gradually becoming a car freak, just acquired a Mercedes Benz jeep. People who have seen the wonder on wheel say it's the latest edition of the Benz jeep...being a footballer really pays.

Gloria Ibru takes over Nasir Ado Ibrahim's Club Towers

Anthentic gists have it that billionaire Olorogun Michael Ibru's daughter and the mother of Sammy Okposo's first daughter, Gloria Ibru, has taken over Club Towers, formerly owned by Prince Nasir Ado Ibrahim. We are all waiting to see what she'll do with the place. Renovations are currently taking place there. And news reaching me say there will be a grand opening of the place in July...the new name is still unknown.

Keem Belo-Osagie, Adrian Wood float new GSM company

Former United Bank for Africa (UBA) chairman, Hakeem Belo-Osagie and former CEO of MTN in Nigerian, Australian Adrian Wood, are said to be working on floating a GSM company in Nigeria. Reports say the recently licensed GSM operator MUBADALA, which is reportedly owned by the crown prince of the United Arab Emirates, Abu Dabri, won the license because of the role played by Belo-Osagie and Adrian Wood who is being touted as the CEO of the new company. I know for sure that Nigeria needs more GSM companies, the higher the competition, the cheaper the prices...Let's wait and see.

Ex-Super Eagles footballer, Godwin Okpara jailed 13 years in France
Former Super Eagles defender, Godwin Okpara was on Friday June 1st sentenced to 13 years in prison by a French court for raping his adopted daughter, Tina.
His wife Linda, also received 15 years for her connivance and torture of the victim while Linda's mother bagged 5 years for failing to come to the aid of the young Tina.
The 34 year footballer who once played for PSG denied raping the girl, claiming that the sex with his adopted daughter was mutual.

Tina accused her adopted father of raping her consistently since she left Nigeria and joined the couple in France at the age of 13 in 2001. She said she was forced into sex with Godwin and was subjected to battery whenever she declined.
Other sources claim that Linda shaved Tina's head, stubbed a cigarette on her cheek and forced her to perform cruel sexual acts.
Their defence lawyer said there is a likelihood of an appeal.

I don't know the whole story, but all I'll say is this. May God reward Godwin Okpara for having consensual sex with a 13 year old.

Fola Adeola buys AIB building for N1 billion
It's being reported that former MD/CEO of Guaranty Trust Bank, Fola Adeola is the new owner of the defunct Africa International Bank (AIB) building. And there are claims that he bought the edifice for N1 billion. The building is sitauted on Akin Adesola Street, Victoria Island, Lagos. The property is said to have been sold to Fola by the Nigerian Deposit Insurance Corporation (NDIC). He is said to have bought the building to shelter all his business concerns...good for him!

Also producer/actress Rosemary Ingbi wed her longtime partner and father of children, Peter Onaniwu, last week at Ikoyi Registry.
Sundey Oliseh's younger brother also got married to his sweetheart, Egutu Tselika on June 2nd 2007 at the chapel of light church.
Congrats to the newly married couples.
Ok that's all I can dish out for now, got to get back to business. I'll give you more gists later. Enjoy!